Umber-Eyed Guno Species in Glenerene | World Anvil

Umber-Eyed Guno

The Umber-Eyed Guno is a cute if slightly annoying creature that can be found across almost all of Glenerene. They are considered a pest by many but also used as a child's first pet for many in the world as they are smile and rather hardy animals. They are also common prey for many types of predators.

Basic Information


They stand at roughly 4 inches tall and are about 3 inches long in their head-and-body their tails lending another 4 inches. their back legs are particularly long compared to their front and make jumping very easy, in fact that is the main way they move. Their fur is soft and thick, longer and fluffier around their bodies and shorter and slicker on their tails. In addition they have small hard spines that protrude from their fur down the top of their tails.

Genetics and Reproduction

The umber-eye guno is capable of giving birth to litters of up to 8 pups at a time and their breeding season takes place in the earlier half of the year. Their gestation period lasts for about 27 days total.

Ecology and Habitats

Their choice of habitat is a drier more desert leaning biome, where they live in small burrows they dig for themselves underground.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The umber-eyed guno lives on  a diet of seeds, nuts, and greenery. They are entirely herbivorous and have little pouches in their cheeks for storing food to carry back to their burrows. As such many see them as a nuisance because they tend to nibble on  farm crops or find their way into kitchens to nibble on the produce.


They are incredibly curious little creatures that tend to cause unintentional mischief wherever they go, they are an invasive species as they are capable of breeding and surviving in most places even if they are not native to that area.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

They are known for their adorable delicate features but especially for their large umber eyes which lend them the name umber-eyed guno.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their large eyes make for brilliant eyesight in all light conditions and their strong back legs mean they can cover large distances quickly and in very few hops.
by MyolaVoid (EtherianWorkshop) on NightCafe
4-5 Years
Conservation Status
There are no ongoing conservation efforts for this animal.
Average Height
4 Inches
Average Length
Nose to tip of tail 7 inches
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their fur is a rich brown color though the fur on their tails is darker than that on their bodies and their paws tend to be light tan in coloration.


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Feb 6, 2023 02:52 by Diane Morrison

Cute! I love cute.

Author of the Wyrd West Chronicles and the Toy Soldier Saga. Mother of Bunnies, Eater of Pickles, Friend of Nerds, First of her Name.