Drom Grome-Karaz Character in Ghaile | World Anvil
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Drom Grome-Karaz

(a.k.a. Skasgratin "Whirlwind")

Drom is far more than meets the eye. Born to two dimensional lords, Briah and Yetzirah, Drom possesses phenomenal cosmic power. Soon after his birth, he was taken by his brother, Dominus, as Dominus no longer believed that they should have to live their life hiding from other beings. As Dominus ran away with his newborn brother, his parents gave chase. A battle between cosmic beings far beyond any god took place throughout the cosmos. Dominus stood no chance and decided to suppress Drom's power and dropped him off at the top of a mountain on a world called Askobar. Luckily Drom, now mortal, was found by a dwarven sentinel named Kibid. Kibid took the baby to his wife Hamina and they decided to take the boy in. Drom was now a member of the Skarrenruf Mountain Clan. However, little did he know that his destiny would take him farther than even the gods thought possible.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Drom was incredibly physically imposing. People would also describe him as having a calming aura around him.

Body Features

Drom was covered in runic tattoos all over his body that detailed information about his clan and his family. These included the sins of his family on his back, the holy scripts of the storm lord on his right arm, his vow to protect his clan on his left arm, and the names and accomplishments of his family line on his chest.

Facial Features

Drom took much pride in his beard, even though by dwarven standards, it was lack luster.

Special abilities

As a higher dimensional being, Drom possessed phenomenal cosmic power. Being Muzalothian in nature, his power at its height even surpassed that of all gods inhabiting Briah. Before this, however, his mortal powers revolved around nature as Drom always found peace and power within the natural world. He could command the elements, speak with animals, and much more.

Specialized Equipment

Drom possessed a powerful axe-hammer created by his father. Throughout his adventuring career, Drom would use his abilities to upgrade it. These upgrades included trapping a black hole inside to give it infinite mass, shattering it into the 4th dimension to transform it into a tesseract and give it infinite amounts of infinite masses, and incorporating several special materials to give it unique properties.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Following being taken in by Clan Skarrenruf, Drom's family fell on hard times. His adopted father, Kibid was stripped of his sentinel position due to him abandoning his post to shelter Drom from the storm that delivered him there. This was seen as a great dishonor among Drom's clan and his father only found work as a mere scrap forger. While crafting is highly valued among dwarven society, only true masters are given any kind of praise while others barely scrape by.

Drom's size and power helped him immensely though. Upon learning of a large human-looking man that had taken up residence in the mountain, the lead general of the clan paid a visit to Drom's residence. He informed Drom that he'd been drafted into the army and that he'd have to leave soon. Drom was obviously dismayed by this but saw it as an opportunity to test his skill and bring honor back to his family. Drom excelled in the military. While not so great at formations or tactics, his enormous strength proved more than useful in battle. Drom would often be seen charging over his fellow soldiers, straight into the thick of combat only to cleave orcs, giants, and other monsters clean in two. His allies described him as a tornado of muscle and steel earning him the nickname "Skasgratin" meaning whirlwind in Drom's native tongue.

One day while on a mission, Drom encountered something he'd never seen before, the Illithid. As he approached, Drom's companions began shifting form. Their bones snapped and their skin stretched and tore as they were transformed into hideous, gibbering, mounds of flesh still emitting the screams of their former selves. Drom was terrified and panicked and he did something he'd never done in battle, he ran. He escaped from the Illithid and made his way back to the clan but not before closing off the tunnel with a powerful blow to the cave wall. Upon making his way back to the clan, Drom the clan's leaders to explain what happened. He met with the High Mothers, who upon hearing his story, explained how they knew Drom wasn't a gift from the Stormlord and how he had given away the existence of the Clan to the Illithid. They explained that by returning, he'd led the Illithid right to them. Drom was banished for his idiocy. As he was leaving the mountain for the last time, his father gave him a project he'd been working on, an immense axe-hammer hybrid that required incredible strength to wield.

Drom traveled for several months making new friends along the way, Nictis, Talon, Terra, Snoop Shroom, Kleodora, and his pet circus bear Rumnaheim (dwarven for bear). As he travelled Drom learned more of his abilities. He was able to generate intense bolts of lightning and conjure powerful storms. He could fly and move at incredible speeds. He also discovered that he was entirely immune to magic which made his innate abilities all the more interesting. Eventually, Drom learned of a place where he might be able to find answers about his past and the origin of his abilities. He traveled to a mysterious island not seen on any map, led by two elder vampires. They explained that none could survive stepping foot on the island as the gravity alone would immediately squish any creature into a fine layer of dust. Drom was able to survive the island but for the first time, he was vulnerable. As he made his way to the top of the mountain at the center of the island, he encountered and befriended a large Remorhaz that he named Remi. Drom eventually reached the top where he found a small cabin.

Inside was an elderly couple that explained to Drom that they were his parents Briah and Yetzirah and that his brother, Dominus, had kidnapped him many years ago. Drom saw this as a calling. He decided to stay on the island for many years, honing his abilities as a higher dimensional being until he'd be able to go look for his brother. Once he set off and began his search, Drom soon discovered an organization that appeared on every world he traveled to, the Domiax. Drom learned of Dominus's true plan, to destroy Briah and create a world with no suffering in its place. Drom traveled for many years seeking a way to stop Dominus.

Eventually, he located Dominus's home as at the end of time itself. Drom appeared part way through the war to finally put an end to the Domiax. A.R.M.O.R. had barely managed to get through the welcoming party at the castle's door when Dominus flew in. He assisted them for the rest of the fight eventually sacrificing himself in order to bring his more powerful brother's power down to something A.R.M.O.R. might be able to handle. This is exactly what Dominus was planning though and using the now extradimensional metal that made of Drom's hammer, he forged a tesseract casing for his newly created Hall of Mirrors.


Drom was trained in dwarven tunnel fighting tactics and while grasping several concepts, could never quite figure out how to execute them properly.


As Drom traveled Askobar, he took on the role of an adventurer and had a variety of employers.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Drom accomplished many things in his long life including saving the village of Tholladur from a nearby volcanic eruption, freeing the golden dragon trapped in said volcano, redeeming the ruler of the Nine Hells, Lucifer, slaying the legendary beast Charybdis, and much much more.

Failures & Embarrassments

As powerful as Drom was, there were some failures that haunted him throughout his life. Losing his brothers in arms to the Illithid, never going back to defend his mountain from the Illithid, failing to protect his family, not finding a way to stop Dominus without sacrificing himself, and much more. He also never learned how to read and that always bugged him.

Intellectual Characteristics

Drom was very blunt and always spoke his mind even if it wasn't always the most intelligent thing. He rarely ever had the patience to think philosophically and always seemed to go with whatever his friend, Talon, said.

Morality & Philosophy

Drom believed in doing the right thing because it was the right thing to do. He was frequently seen putting himself in harm's way to save complete strangers and would go out of his way to help someone whenever they asked.

Personality Characteristics


Drom was motivated by several things. These included restoring honor to his family, protecting the people of any world he visited, seeking to redeem his brother, and eventually destroying his brother.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Drom never learned how to read, this always bugged him.

Likes & Dislikes

Drom always had a connection with the world and people around him and often sought out more connections. He also always had a soft spot for sweets.


Family Ties

Wealth & Financial state

Upon leaving his mountain, Drom took a vow of poverty, deciding that he could help a large number of people by donating his adventuring earnings to various organizations.
Divine Classification
Muzalothian Entity
Neutral Good
Circumstances of Birth
Muzalothian Entity
Circumstances of Death
Died at the end of time.
None (Male)
Long, Blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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