Snoop Shroom Character in Ghaile | World Anvil
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Snoop Shroom

Snoop Shroom's got his priorities straight. He hails from the distant world of Askobar, home to Drom. He traveled with Drom during his formative years and became good friends with him. Eventually, when Drom left to be with his family, Snoop traveled alone seeking some kind of meaning. He was eventually found by A.R.M.O.R. and was recruited to help find Drom and fight at the end of time.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Snoop Shroom had grown a spiritual connection to his smoking habits. By inhaling these substances, Snoop could cause a variety of effects. He was able to conjure thick clouds of smoke, cause hallucinations in those around him, and even choke people to death with it. He also physically grew much stronger and more durable when he was high.

Apparel & Accessories

Snoop Shroom never wore any clothes or carried any equipment besides a backpack.

Specialized Equipment

Snoop specialized in hand to hand combat often employing a less refined brawler style.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Despite the fact that he had no biological gender, he preferred male pronouns.

Accomplishments & Achievements

During his life, Snoop Shroom traveled with some of the greatest adventurers in the multiverse. He's defeated countless enemies in bar-room brawls and drinking contests. He joined A.R.M.O.R. during the battle at the end of time.

Failures & Embarrassments

Snoop Shroom was never incredibly powerful especially compared to some of his teammates. Because of this, it was sometimes difficult for him to contribute in their endeavors, but he always kept morale up and was a bright addition to the team, when he wasn't super high.

Mental Trauma

Snoop Shroom suffered from an addiction to hallucinogenic drugs.

Personality Characteristics


Snoop Shroom was motivated to hang out with his bros and to help them when they needed him.
Chaotic Neutral
Circumstances of Death
Died at the end of time.
None (Purple Cap)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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Jun 4, 2019 23:28

I saw the incredible name and was not disappointed by the article attached. He seems like such an interesting character that I want to read more on. I'm sure interactions are hilarious.   Well done.

Jun 9, 2019 16:38

Thank you! Snoop Shroom is definitely one of the more unique characters that have ever been in one of my games. Unfortunately, we never got to see that much of him in our games. He did come back in another game as an NPC after his game ended which allowed me to fill in some more information on what he's been up to. Yeah, he always managed to make our groups laugh.