The Order of the Empty Sea Organization in Gelinia | World Anvil
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The Order of the Empty Sea

The Order of the Empty Sea is an organization of monks, with cloisters all around the shore of the Empty Sea. Their official mission is to guard Geilon's Seat, at the center of the Isle of Thought, within the Empty Sea, from those who would abuse its power. Because of the Clay of Thought's unique power to manifest thoughts, desires, and emotions, the Order focuses on mental clarity and meditation.   Supplicants often approach the Order to beg a boon, which is sometimes granted. An Initiate will venture into the Clay of Thought and use its nearly limitless power to fulfill the supplicant's request to the best of their ability. This process is dangerous and can have unexpected results. What was thought to be a boon can later turn out to be a curse.


The Order is primarily egalitarian, with three strict levels of hierarchy: Novices, Initiates, and the Seer. New inductees are classed as Novices until they can successfully enter the Clay of Thought and craft a personal, unique item for themselves, at which point they become Initiates. Initiates are privy to the mysteries and rituals of the Order, as well as engaging in diplomacy, granting boons, and training Novices. Novices are kept isolated from the outside world and subject to a strict, ascetic lifestyle. The Seer is the most powerful member of the Order and the only one who can commune directly with Geilon. Once the Seer dies, the eldest Initiate journeys to Geilon's Seat, giving him divinatory abilities and limited power to manifest outside of the Empty Sea.

Public Agenda

While the Order claims to be apolitical, they maintain diplomatic relationships with all major nations and are sometimes asked to provide boons or advice. Officially, these are granted according to the "worthiness" of the asker, but in reality, they are evaluated in such a way as to promote geopolitical stability and magical balance. As a result, they are often percieved as playing both sides of the Great War between Exar and Arnor and are subject to prejudice and assaults.


The Order worships Geilon, who they believe to be the creator of the universe and holder of ultimate knowledge. All the other gods are held to be Geilon's rebellious children, who he released onto Gelinia to teach men of faith. Like the other gods of Gelinia, Geilon is real and can be directly communicated with, although only the Seer is allowed to do so. Indeed, merely approaching Geilon's Seat is enough to drive most monks completely insane. Only the most mentally fortified and senior Initiates are allowed to attempt the pilgrimage to the Seat and potentially become Seer.
Religious, Monastic Order
Alternative Names
Lakewatchers, Guardians of Geilon
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System


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Aug 4, 2022 19:27 by Kaleidechse

The Clay of Thought sounds fascinating! I like that people need to be very careful in order to not manifest the wrong desire, and that the general principle "be careful what you wish for" is even more important here. It's also interesting that these people are disliked for interacting with both sides of the war. Keeping things balanced is not a grateful task, it seems.

Creator of the Kaleidoscope System and the planet Miragia.
Aug 6, 2022 00:59

Love the idea of this order playing all sides towards the ultimate end of peace because it would often lead to them aiding truly monstrous people for the goal of "Balance". Is the road to hell paved in good intentions? I also have to wonder if the relationship they have with the gods, those gods that others may worship as true gods, doesn't strain relationships as well.