Winedark: Water's Wandering Report in Gavros | World Anvil
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Winedark: Water's Wandering

General Summary

In which Water meets some ephemeral companions, lays waste to dread tentacles, and channels the ineffable into their Third Wandering  

A Dangerous Cove

Water's Wandering begins, of course, both in and with Water. Being a particular self-reflective tortle, Water has been aware for some time that their transition between Second and Third Wandering was approaching. It became clear that site for this Wandering existed on Luu, just a half-day's walk from Kattagari. Truly, this is the will of Sanska, as Water happened to be very close by when they felt the undeniable pull.   The site itself was something called Waddlesworth Cove--a large underground cavern of sorts, suffused with The Vast. If it wasn't clear enough to Water, trusting their feelings, that this was the place, it became clear enough when a large contingent of tortles arrived for the mating ritual--some of which were already there when Water reached the Cove.   Also already there was an animated grung called Tunk engaged in a disagreement with a figure that appeared to either be a rabbit or a mouse or maybe both. It turns out that this mouserabbit, called Mauve, was the new owner of the cove, having won the land in a card game. She was most adamant that nobody enter the cove, as there is "something wrong" there. Tunk, who makes a living off the very legitimate business practice of guiding tortles to "all the best Second Wandering spots," demanded entry, perhaps fearing that his fee would not be paid in full. This back and forth went on for a while, with Mauve ultimately consulting her god/goddess/deity-thing called Seadog, which requested Water to enter and cleanse the cove.

It was then determined that Water should not go by themselves. The crack team of Water's Wanderers was assembled:
  • Tunk, grung rogue and incomparable Wandering guide
  • Dunlull, tortle cleric of the Sparkle (a life crystal or something?), and Wandering Warden (which is very much not code for pervert)
  • Eichel Kevinsson, half-orc fighter and scion of the family Kevin-Kevin (no, not that Kevin-Kevin, the other ones)
Dunlull agreed to venture down into the coves because it was their duty to watch over the Wandering rites (but not in, like, a sexual way. At all. Promise). Eichel, apparently hanging out in what amounts to a fantasy gap year, agreed to also sally forth because his dad wouldn't want him to. You wouldn't understand--he's a loner, a rebel.   With that, it was time to see what was "wrong" about this place.  

In the Gloaming

What was wrong became swiftly apparent. Water felt the same inky blackness of the soul that they felt during the wreck of the Eelsnap, and during their other tentacle misadventures. Something unnatural is happening here, something corrupting these environs. This "gloaming" can take may forms, from a cloud of confusion where it becomes difficult to tell friend from foe (which did occur) to an impossible darkness from which nightmarish creatures emerge. Water felt the irresistible urge to make this place "right" again, not just to ensure the propagation of the Drembari tortles, but for the sheer importance of cleansing a place befouled.   That cleansing began with a battle against a diseased treant. Our adventurers vanquished this foe easily enough, but it served as a worrying harbinger of threats to come. The heroes didn't have to wait long to face those threats, as they ventured into a space replete with tentacle swarms. This was a brutal fight, as these swarms, powered by dark energies, hit hard. Thanks to some healing provided by Dunlull, crafty violence supplied by Tunk, and misplaced dad-anger damage from Eichel, these tentacles were defeated. During a much-needed short rest, our gang had time to ponder their predicament. Surely, our gang thought, that's the last we'll see of tentacles for a moment.   But no, of course not. As they delved deeper into the cove, they found the primary source of this gloaming, and it was, of course, a huge tentacle. This was a fight, to be sure. Well, for some of us, as Tunk somehow managed to go this entire expedition without taking damage once. Water, however, perhaps taking on the suffering of this place as their own, and willing its waters to run clear again, went round-for-round with this sucker. Ultimately, it was defeated, and the gloaming that permeated this cover receded, making it safe for the Second Wandering to commence.    

Into the Third Wandering

And it did commence. The Drembari tortles will survive, at least for now. Their mission accomplished, Tunk set off to find a new set of tortles to Dunlull went to find another Wandering that needed Warding, and Eichel departed to find the next activity his noble family might find unseemly.   That left Water alone with their thoughts, which invariably turned inward and introspective. They determined that their Third Wandering will take place with the Vastblasters, seeing Otuna's Favor through until the end, and then taking the fight to whatever is below the surface of the sacred Vast.

This is the path.  

And That's Where We Left It

Water headed back to meet their crewmates aboard the VastBlaster and the Wanderers spread out to parts unknown. Maybe their stories will be told some day.

Rewards Granted

Nose Stud of the Third Wandering

Character(s) interacted with

  • Mauve, newly minted owner of Waddlesworth Cove
Report Date
05 Sep 2021
Primary Location


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