Winedark, Chapter Thirteen Report in Gavros | World Anvil
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Winedark, Chapter Thirteen

General Summary

Wherein the Vastblasters procure rare commodities, glimpse into the Unknown Era, and make a deal with a dragon  

The Boil Bazaar

Stavrik Kevin-Kevin, having provided the Blasters with the goodly sum of 1000 gold coins, steered our heroes toward the Boil Bazaar--an upscale flea market of sorts--as a possible place to find something "interesting" to sate the treasure thirst of a dragon. So, the Blasters headed that call.   The Bazaar is a happening place, with vendors of all type shilling their wares. Kharlo, being a hip shark, did a quick scan of the location to find that good, good stuff--the type of items that would cause a fuckin' wild ass dragon to just chill. That lead our explorers to the stall of one Jamstaer (sometimes called the Gemster). Once it became apparent to her that these buyers weren't the average run-of-the-mill bazaar shoppers, she led them into a backroom chock-a-block FULL of interesting magic items.   Various items caught the eye of our crew, but, ultimately, they decided on an Everflowing Tankard--a nice mug filled with a neverending liquid that tastes like whatever you are thinking at the moment, and the bejeweled Battle Mask of Balar Dhusti, a Bari hero of the Unknown Era/Age of the Crater. Both of these seem appealing to dragons, no?   With their items purchased, it was time to set sail to meet Avararos the Magma, and their fate.  

An Unexpected Dragon

After navigating to Rosepua and finding the lair of the infamous dragon, our adventurers discovered that Avararos was not in residence. Instead, a dragon named Vandrizoth the Slagkeeper has usurped her dominance over the volcano, viewing her callous disregard for the sacredness of the place as an affront.   Luckily, "Zoth" was also amenable to deals and agreed to give the Instrument's barb--currently imbedded in the skull of the aforementioned Avararos--to the crew in exchange for both the Everflowing Tankard and the eviction/eradication/exodus of the Cult of the Magma--Avararos' kobold cult--still present and unaware of her death. Apparently, such a task is beneath him. And the tankard won't work for him as all he can think about are those damn kobolds! Okay, "Zoth," just chill. The Blasters are on it.   Oh, and it was decided to keep the Battle Mask of Balar Dhusti. Equipping said mask provided visions of a downright scary past, but could also provide visions of a hopeful future. Better in the hands of the Blasters than a dragon. For now.   So, with that, it was deeper into Rosepua to see out the labyrinthian abodes of the kobolds. Of course, they're not going to leave just with polite asking. One tribe of kobolds did have a favor to ask in order for them to be on their merry way--free their friends and family from a basement overrun by an experiment gone wrong. That experiment resulted in some horrifying obsidian oozes that our gang must deal with. By "deal with," they mean destroy. Okay!  

And That's Where We Left It

We'll see how the Blasters deal with obsidian oozes and kobolds during our next session.  

Various & Sundry Details

  • Despite the odds arrayed against him, Kharlo Chondricht is getting "okay" at this cooking thing. His most recent dish of magic fish tacos were deemed acceptable by most.
  • Water, given to introspection, has discovered that the time of the Second Wandering is imminent. What will the Third Wandering bring?
  • While the others were out shopping, Kasula Neristina decided to see if they could find anyone who has "fought a dragon." Nope! But the Spicy Dragon Tavern did provide some lively conviviality, so that's nice.
  • Pitch also took the opportunity to see out expertise in scrimshaw, maybe to see about their arm. They found an individual, but the conversation wasn't as productive as one might hope, unfortunately. Perhaps another time, under different circumstances, would prove more beneficial to all parties.
  • Irk didn't see his fabled blue dragon. Yet.

Rewards Granted

  • Everflowing Tankard (bartered to Vandrizoth the Slagkeeper)
  • Battle Mask of Balar Dhusti

Character(s) interacted with

  • Stavrik Kevin-Kevin, patriarch of the family Kevin-Kevin 
  • Jamstaer, enigmatic dealer of exotic oddities
  • Vandrizoth the Slagkeeper, protector of Rosepua, perhaps the only obsidian dragon in existence, "Zoth" to friends (and while in human form)
Report Date
22 Aug 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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