Valzu Kevin-Kevin Character in Gavros | World Anvil
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Valzu Kevin-Kevin

Valzu Kevin-Kevin is a member of the Kevin-Kevin family, and is a renowned bard, sailor, and merchant-captain.   Found clinging to a barrel by Stavrik Kevin-Kevin, Val was the only apparent survivor of a shipwreck off the coast of the Othtong Caps in Cheltong. Stavrik--patriarch of a prosperous shipping and manufacturing family--was impressed by her cleverness and quick wit, and offered her a place in his family business. Eventually, he would also offer her a place in his immediate family as his adopted daughter.   Val immediately took to the a key aspect of the family business, namely the manufacture, distrubition and sale of tvelk. Tvelk, a strong briny beverage fermented from sprouted winter barley, algae, and water, is especially popular among sailors, and through those interactions, Val found herself drawn to The Vast, drawn to its stories and the promise of adventure.   So, despite grave misgivings from the family Kevin-Kevin (and with Stavrik’s secret pride), Valzu left home to seek her destiny among the waves of The Vast. Sailing aboard various ships, she traveled the Isles all over, making her way in the world through charm and an uncanny ability to connect with individuals through her compelling songs and music. Eventually, her songs detailing her life sailing aboard the Evening Therapy, won her a place as a courtier among the people of the Ar'Pata Atoll. There, she fell into a suprising romance with Balgren Reefshield, Regent of the Ar'Pata. Never one to be tied down for long, Val took herself back to sea, visiting Balgren from time to time as her adventures allowed. This relationship eventually resulted in the birth of Azarki Kevin-Kevin.   Val was determined to raise her son away from familal obligation and brought Azarki up among the waves of the Vast, and the extended family of misfit sailors she now captained aboard The Reluctant Prince. Balgren, understanding all too well the pressures of family, agreed to this arrangement, promising Val that Azarki--along with Val herself-- would have a place among the Ar'Pata should they ever wish it.   With her brother Rain, Valzu sailed with Loshi Saltbloom's fleet, fighting alongside the Vastblasters in the Battle for the Isles (see Winedark, Chapter the Last).


Balgren Reefshield

former lover (Important)

Towards Valzu Kevin-Kevin



Valzu Kevin-Kevin

former lover (Important)

Towards Balgren Reefshield



Qevin Kevin-Kevin V

Adopted Brother

Towards Valzu Kevin-Kevin


Valzu Kevin-Kevin

Adopted Sister

Towards Qevin Kevin-Kevin V


Currently Boarded Vehicle
Year of Birth
1058 AC 22 Years old
Balgren Reefshield (former lover)
Qevin Kevin-Kevin V (Adopted Brother)
Aligned Organization


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