Destiny Character in Gates of Eternity | World Anvil


Imperial Goddess, The Mediator, Source of Knowledge.

Destiny is one of the most secretive Gods and Goddesses of the Imperial Religion. Little is known about her, and according to most of the myths her actions and plans are an enigma even to most other Gods, save for Ember and Tyrant, most likely. While almost not worshipped, her status as the head of the Elemental Pantheon and common belief of her being equal to two other Pantheon heads gives her a lot of power.   She lives in the Tower of Eternity, though whether it truly is a tower is up to debate. It is supposed to be constructed in the eye of the storm that the Aetherial Vortex surrounding the World Engine is. It is a place surrounded by 'Reality' that's so unstable, that actually finding the Tower is possible only when its sovereign truly wants that to happen.
Tower of Eternity
This fabled location - a seat of the power of Destiny and her even more elusive husband, Traveler - is one of the biggest secrets of the Imperial Religion. Nobody knows how it really looks. What is really known is that it exists in the single stable place in the middle of the Aetherial Vortex, that it is a place where Destiny guards the Eternal Library, where all knowledge of all universes is stored.   This is also a place that is considered a middle ground between the Heavens and Gehenna. Tower of Eternity can be accessed from both Dragon Graveyard and Tower of Flames, connecting the dimensions of the leaders of both White and Black Pantheon (even if the latter one's authority is currently contested).
Destiny is supposed to have some servants, helping her in managing the Eternal Library. However, they are not interested in participating in the Great Game - instead, they remain the Tower of Eternity, never showing up. Neither in the afterlife, nor in the Reality. Due to that, nothing conclusive is known about her servants.

Divine Domains

Magic, Knowledge, Balance, Fate.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A snake devouring its own tail.

Physical Description

Body Features

Nothing is known about how exactly Destiny looks like. She never manifested in Reality, and never picked any Chosen - she is the only God or Goddess to not do that even during the Dawn War.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Destiny is one of six Primeval Gods responsible for creation of Imperial Religion in its current form. She, together with her husband, Traveler, was tasked with creation of the Elemental Pantheon that was supposed to be a quintessence of unstable, primal elemental forces of the World Engine. A quintessence of nature and the world devoid of sapient beings (that were left to White and Black Pantheons).   She, together with Traveler, created (or gave birth to) most of the Gods and Goddesses of the Elemental Pantheon. Then she retreated to the Tower of Eternity, which she supposedly haven't left since. Nobody knows what she is really up to, making her a major enigma. What exactly she is planning? What does she wants to achieve in the Great Game? Does she even play it? Nobody knows that.   What is known is that she is acting as a mediator, at least between Gods and Goddesses of Imperial Religion, while also being a driving force between prophecies and an enforcer of rules of the Great Game that not even Pentagram can ignore.


Family Ties

Wifeof Traveler. Mother of Inspiration, Love(person), Fertility, Hedonism, Failure, Nightmare and Architect. She also created - together with her husband - Granite, Zephyr, Deluge and Conflagration.
Divine Classification
Known Languages
She understands and speaks all languages... as all Gods and Goddesses do.


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