Dawn War Military Conflict in Gates of Eternity | World Anvil

Dawn War

The greatest war to ever befell Reality. A war that nearly destroyed entire world, that can also serve as a remainder of what sort of doom would be unleashed upon the war if the End Times ever actually occured and the Great Game came to an end. It was a war during which time itself was almost murdered.   It is next to impossible to actually write an exact story of it, since it was fought mostly outside of time as a whole. With the Unreal spilling into Real on such a scale, each event occured in many internally conflicted ways, all of them equally true and untrue. It is quite probably that the war actually is still waged, only outside of mortals eyes...

The Conflict


Probably outside of human comprehension in terms of size and exact details, since it happened in Dark much more than in Light. With entire petty universes and planes created merely to serve as battlegrounds between armies infinite in size, with many of them existing briefly or even destroyed retroactively (ceasing to exist backward in time as well), trying to describe it is pretty much pointless.


Probably outside of human comprehension in terms of size and exact details, since it happened in Dark much more than in Light. With entire petty universes and planes created merely to serve as battlegrounds between armies infinite in size, with many of them existing briefly or even destroyed retroactively (ceasing to exist backward in time as well), trying to describe it is pretty much pointless.

The Engagement

Probably outside of human comprehension in terms of size and exact details, since it happened in Dark much more than in Light. With entire petty universes and planes created merely to serve as battlegrounds between armies infinite in size, with many of them existing briefly or even destroyed retroactively (ceasing to exist backward in time as well), trying to describe it is pretty much pointless.


Victory of New Gods, and complete downfall of their enemies. Armies of the Imperial Religion stormed their afterlifes, either destroying or occupyying them indefinitely (the sources vary). Their mortal believers were scattered and then made forget their exact names forever, making them ultimately convert to new imperial religion. Old Gods were reduced to powerful daemons.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Circa 224 IE
Ending Date
Circa 264 IE
Conflict Result
Imperial Religion decisive victory.



Gods of Imperial Pantheon - then known as New Gods - together with an endless number of their servile daemons and forces loyal to Imperium of Karadia government.
Many pantheons worth of combatants, including vast armies of the Dead and servile daemons, not to mention gods themselves. Also their mortal adherents.


Unknown. Believed to be at least seven digits high in mortal part, while probably close to infinite among servile daemons, with even several gods falling in battle (a temporary thing, though).
Unknown. Believed to be at least seven digits high in mortal part, while probably close to infinite among servile daemons, with many gods falling in battle while others .


Downfall of opposing religions and recreation of Imperium of Karadia into a country much closer to the New Gods willing.
Destroying the New Gods, and - possibly - breaking the Imperium of Karadia back into many sovereign states, pushing back the ongoing political and religious unification of Karadia.


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