Dark Geographic Location in Gates of Eternity | World Anvil


Dark is a dimension also called 'Immaterial World', or 'Astral World'. It was created at the dawn of time, when The Eldest brought an end of Primordial Chaos, by spliting it into Light and Dark and establishin a boundary between them.   In its pure state, Dark is a world of thoughts, faith, and believes, essentially existing beyond borders of science, not only transcending it but also capable of actively denying it. It is world where sentience is everything, but without the laws and rules of science it is permanently unstable, changing within seconds - with 'seconds' actually not existing, since in the Dark there are a foreign concept, introduced only through mortal minds believing in them. This is the domain of mortal minds and all concepts their give birth to, including spirits, demons, and gods... and also afterlifes.   True separation of the two dimensions was never possible - or, to be exact, was not something that would be in any beneficial, as it would mean devolving all sentient beings back into animals - in Light, with their minds forever existing in a dreamlike state of Dark. What The Eldest truly did wasn't a full separation, since links between Light and Dark remained still, but rather defining them as something unique and separate as a whole, while small parts of them still acting as an anchors.   This 'border' however is by no mean stable or perfect. Light and Dark were separated forcefully and this separation still exists, but there are various ways of changing this fact at least locally, with many of them already 'explored' by civilizations that came after the First Empire. An effect of such merging is a creation of areas called magical anomalies, that are in fact zones where Light and Dark underwent a partial merging, creating an area slightly similar to Primordial Chaos, albeit with Laws of Magicks still in effect (which prevents them from truly changing into the form they had before the time began).


There exists nothing even relatively similar to geography in the Dark. Every time humans think of mountains, they exist in the Dark. Every time humans dream of mountains, they exists in the Dark. The only stable things are these created by combined, collective thoughts of great number of people, mainly afterlifes and other domains of the divine beings - or smaller scale, also demons.

Fauna & Flora

Literally every conceivable being exists in the Dark, with their crossing into the Light mostly prohibited by the decrees of the divines that continue to uphold the separation made by The Eldest. Only those with specific businesses can enter the Light, which prevents it from being flooded by literally infinite numbers of beings that exists within the Dark.

Natural Resources

The main natural resource of the Dark is aether, the metamorphical 'material' that transcends physical states and other 'quirks' of typical matter. It is also essentially raw magic, used by mages to alter Light according to their needs.
Included Locations


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