Traveler Character in Gates of Eternity | World Anvil


Imperial God, The Eternal Walker, The Overseer.

Traveler is one of the weirdest Gods of the Imperial Religion. Everyone knows he exists, everyone knows he could fight equally with Ember and Tyrant at his prime. Everyone even knows what's precisely his domain. The rest, however, is at best doubtful and he is on the very edge of being considered a Imperial Religion variant ot Absent Creator Gods.

Tower of Eternity

Traveler's abode is believed to be Tower of Eternity, where he 'normally' resides with his wife, Destiny. This, in fact, is rarely true, as he seems to spend most of the time wandering. Through imperial afterlife and Reality alike, at least if myths are to be trusted (and it might not precisely be the case, since he shouldn't be able to walk around Reality as a God). Myths, however, do not specify what's the reason behind his travels.


He is believed to have no daemonic servants. He travels around alone.

Divine Domains

Space, Time, Life.

Physical Description

Body Features

Portrayed (rarely) as a person covered in a hooded cloak, with his face not visible.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

One of six Primeval Gods. He was there when Imperial Religion started. He helped create (either by making them from the powers of the World Engine, or by having them with his wife, Destiny). Then... he departed. Began searching for something... but nobody knows what exactly he looks for. Most likely besides Destiny, however she is about as secretive as he is. So little is known about the truth.   He never shows up in myths. He is known to exist, but that's pretty much everything that can be said about him. He is one of the bigger enigmas of the Imperial Religion.


Family Ties

Husband of Destiny. Father of Inspiration, Love(person), Fertility, Hedonism, Failure, Nightmare and Architect. He also created - together with his wife - Granite, Zephyr, Deluge and Conflagration.
Divine Classification
Known Languages
Understands and speaks all languages... as all Gods do.


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