Wilkema Woe Wildorn Wolkvi Character in Gandrain | World Anvil
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Wilkema Woe Wildorn Wolkvi

Deld to Her with Mercy

Head of House Wolkvi, The Black Widow, Little Wolf Soteria Wildorn Wolkvi Ann (a.k.a. Wilkema Woe)

Woe will never be understood and she will never be happy. For she believes a life lived in service of power is all she will ever want.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Woe was born on the island where old Deld are born and soon after her was her brother when they both proved to have the genetic markers of the slave class they where taken from their parents at the age of 3 and 2 to be sent to the school where they stayed to learn their place until the ages of 7 and 8. Once this was done they where given to a trader whose job it was to sell them or increase their value and flip them to the next trader. When Soteria and Soter as they where then called trailed they learned many skills and when they came finally to Silhaven they where both sold to Princess Bane'Ann's parents as a gift to her. At the age of 10 and 11 they had a permanent master but they where not done wondering. Bane'Ann hated her home and soon they had to help her run only two years after finding their first home they left it. After a year of wondering Soteris heard a story of a place called Orori both very dangerous and very large, a perfect place to hide a wayward princess. She left their small group to go ahead and find a place for them there. First she went along the warrior's path gaining the name Little Wolf from her order then The Black Widow when her mentor died but Woe as she came to be known found duplicity power play and slavery everywhere. The nothing her Princess hated and had run from. If she wanted Bane to come and stay in this land she needed it to nee or at least appear as if it had. Slowly Woe become the first leader of an organized rebellion against the four ruling kingdoms of Orori since the tribal wars.


Wilkema Woe Wildorn Wolkvi

Ally (Important)

Towards Maria Mandor



Maria Mandor

Friend (Important)

Towards Wilkema Woe Wildorn Wolkvi



Relationship Reasoning

Woe and Maria see in each other certain qualities that they respect, though Woe doesn't talk much to Maria, Maria is always very strait with Woe about things, and often makes jokes at her expense.

Shared Acquaintances

Bane'ann, Indrew

Wilkema Woe Wildorn Wolkvi

friend (Important)

Towards Ariana Aon Arsen



Ariana Aon Arsen

friend (Important)

Towards Wilkema Woe Wildorn Wolkvi




Met when they where both young.

Shared Secrets

Ariana knows Woe's real name and about her life before she came to Mandor at least a little of it.

Shared Acquaintances


The picture was first made in 5 SM, many of the seventeen where depicted by artists around Mandor, people who has never seen them but heard of them from the stories. The most common of Woe's stories is her Golden Dance she performed when she was a spy in the Palace of Endis, they say even the charmers where powerless against her. Most of her symbols include the black hair and skin highlighted by the golden makeup or mask to show her duplicity and skill.
Black, reflective in the dark so as to appear white, blue or even purple.
Black with purple tones, long strait and blend right into her skin.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black, with purple tones.
Aligned Organization


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