The Siren Sick Condition in Gandrain | World Anvil
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The Siren Sick

Though almost mythical in nature to land dwellers many sailing the ocean for the first time fear the illness called the Siren Sick. Though not often seen severely among one time travelers, the Siren Sick is a leadings cause for madness among sailors. Though the symptoms do not show themselves until one leaves the ocean for a long period of time.

Transmission & Vectors

The sickness itself is a mystery, though it is a melody of the mind and it can be traced to something to do with long stays on the ocean it can also be acquired through onetime travel though uncommon. It is the reason many sailors chose to remain sailing long after their use to the crew is done. These sailors that can't return to land lest they go mad are called Siren Seals. They rarely venture on land after learning they have the madness.


Though the cause is speculated by many there is actually a multitude of them including placebo. Many sailors do not wish to leave the ocean causing the madness, though in one time travelers its often found because they spotted something they shouldn't have. Magical creatures affect the human brain in an abundance of ways often forming connections humans can't live without once they're made.


Siren Sickness doesn't present until one is no longer connected to the sea for an extended period of time usually a couple of days to a couple weeks but after presenting the first time each bought presents faster. The symptoms include confusion, disorientation, faintness, dizziness, nausea, and heaviness of the tongue. As the symptoms get more severe words become twisted, memory loss is common, emotional swings and erratic behavior are tell tail signs that something is wrong. The flavors of foods change and extreme thirst are also common in later stages of deterioration. Once a person begins continuously humming or swaying the madness has fully set it and their eyes stop adjusting to light. If they aren't returned to the sea quickly people have been known to go permanently mad. Though this is uncommon as the signs are usually caught before then.


Besides returning to the sea there are not any known treatments for Siren Sickness.


The condition is not fatal but many would prefer it to be and often if progressed to the last stage families will take their loved one into Isb's temple to find relief from the madness. Though some will go instead to a Sel'Imar Ward were long term patients can stay.

Affected Groups

Sailors and some other sea faring travelers.


The only known way to prevent Siren Sickness for sure is to not travel the ocean longer than between to insight places or just off an islands coast. There are many superstitions though and a couple protection charms among travels have become popular though Seekers have no known cases of the sickness and are often acused of withholding the cure, or preventative or even being immune.


The sickness is mental and so does not transmit from one person to another.


The first recorded case was during the Tribal Wars in which it was off handily referenced as one reason solders were lost while recruiting allies on other islands.

Cultural Reception

People know to carry the sickness but seem perfectly fine on the sea are often regarded as veterans. They have an air to them as if they understand something others don't about the ocean and can often tell when storms are coming. They are often welcome on vessels and can warn people against the ocean at certain times reducing the likelihood of contracting the sickness of first time travelers.  Those who fear the sickness are usually sailers with families or people with no real connection to the sea.
Chronic, Acquired
Affected Species


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