Zadig Character in Galfin | World Anvil


Old blind nest traitor who sold out the Kraken crew and was executed by Ivan for endangering the community.   Before you know it, a Zephyrn ambush occurs and Merdock gets stabbed while the other townsfolk are attacked. You helped defend them off with the heroic help of Borno who sadly fell to a raider’s blade. After you dealt with half the invasion the cavalry arrived with the mighty ship The Kraken. It is captained by a grim man named Ivan. All of you quickly dispatch the rest of the attackers as Ivan drags two barely alive assailants into the war room.   The party was recovering and resting in The Kraken's Nest. You mourned the death of your friend Borno while also stealing from his corpse. Spent time getting asking questions to the locals, Chris bought a Caluan Cookbook. Watched as Ivan killed an old blind man who sold out the location to Lord Borigan. Merdock decided to invite you to his guilty pleasure, beast fights.
Current Location
Year of Death
211 AHM
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Ivan once he discovered Zadig's betrayal by letting Thormund know the location of the Kraken's Nest
Aligned Organization