The Silent Gang Organization in Galfin | World Anvil

The Silent Gang

The Silent is a highly organized and disciplined gang that keeps all other gangs from entering the richer parts of Skygarde. Led by Berek Beretta, they have foreign muscle that is loyal to him, and their gang members communicate using sign language in public. They are feared by all gang leaders except Dorn Von Vaida.
  There sigil is a hand clenched around an upright dagger with blood teal blood running down the blade
  Mobster, stops all gangs from entering richer parts, muscle that is loyal Gang doesn’t speak in public. Leader doesn’t follow that custom of his Cilanean people.
  Berek Berreta.
  Led by Berek Beretta, a mobster who controls the poorer districts and prevents other gangs from entering the richer areas. Members of The Silent use sign language to communicate in public.
Notable Members