South Runners Gang Organization in Galfin | World Anvil

South Runners Gang

The South Runners report to Isabel at her soup kitchen. They are adept at escaping custody by taking to the rooftops, thanks to their parkour skills.
  Their sigil is a silhouette of a person jumping over rooftops, crudely drawn with some strokes of a brush pen. This allows them to quickly tag areas of the city as they climb around.
  The South Runners are known for their agility and speed, and are often called upon to deliver messages or move goods quickly through the districts. They enjoy street racing and use their speed and skill behind the horse to pull off daring heists and robberies. They report to an old soup kitchen worker named Isabel. They sometime race on foot but also race horse and carriages dangerously through the streets. The South Runners control the alleyways and byways of the Rumpag District, and are sought for their speed and unpredictability.
  They are led by Isabel, a seemingly kind-hearted woman who runs a soup kitchen to feed the poor and the hungry. She also leads the South Runners, who are known for their exceptional agility and speed. They are experts in parkour and use their skills to quickly move around the district and evade the authorities. Isabel is respected by her gang members, and many people in the district look up to her as a kind of guardian angel. She helps the poor and the needy, and her soup kitchen is a place of refuge for anyone who needs it.
  There has been reports of particularly disruptive folk from her district going missing after visiting her kitchen but these are unsubstantiated rumours.