
Lisbeth Everfrost is the Margrave
  Onvikvik is a town shrouded in an eerie silence that only amplifies the creaking of the trees in the surrounding taiga forest. Its winding paths and narrow alleys seem to lead to hidden secrets and shadows that never seem to disappear, even in the brightest daylight. The town's population of Yergralffe, Arctic Dwarf, and Zoan appear to be cautious and reserved, as if they're always on the lookout for something lurking just beyond the edge of their vision.
  The snow-covered landscape gives the town an calm quality, as if it exists in a realm separate from the rest of the world. It's said that the Spirit Oasis is closer to the surface here, and that the veil between the mortal plane and the world of spirits is thin. Perhaps that's why the residents here seem so guarded, as if they're aware of the strange forces that surround them.
  In the center of the town, the Margrave's castle looms large and foreboding, adding to the feeling of unease that permeates the town. But even with the sense of danger that pervades the air, life goes on. A fish market bustles with activity, as locals sell their daily catch, and in the evenings, the taverns are filled with music and laughter. And wandering among the people is a three-legged dog, an oddity that seems to fit perfectly in this strange and unsettling town.
  medium town in Krafla
  three legged dog who wanders the town, getting scraps from local denisons
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