Myradith Boggan Character in Galfin | World Anvil

Myradith Boggan

Raluca's daughter
  101 - 206
  The starlit jewel of Retch, Myradith Boggan was more than just a pretty face; she was a beacon of inspiration for many in the city. With her ethereal green hair cascading like a shimmering waterfall, she was instantly recognizable, embodying both the exotic and the familiar. Myradith's presence was always accompanied by an air of mystique, as stories of her lineage intertwined with the myths of old. Yet, beyond her captivating beauty, she held an astute mind and a keen sense of responsibility towards her family's legacy. As the whispers in the city alleys would say, "When Myradith graces the room, the stars of Retch dim in humility." Her blend of grace, intelligence, and charm made her not just a sought-after starlet but also a treasured member of the Boggan lineage.
Current Location
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
81 AHM 161 AHM 80 years old