Mole Species in Galfin | World Anvil


The common mole is a small, burrowing mammal that is found in many different environments, including forests, grasslands, and even some mountainous regions. The common mole has a cylindrical body covered in soft, velvety fur that ranges in color from dark brown to gray, and its small eyes and ears are almost completely hidden by fur.
  Common moles are well adapted for underground life, with powerful forelimbs and large, clawed hands that allow them to tunnel through soil and roots with ease. They feed mainly on earthworms and other small invertebrates that they encounter while digging.
  Common moles are considered a pest by some farmers, as their digging can damage crops and gardens. However, they are also valued for their role in soil aeration and nutrient cycling. In some cultures, common moles are believed to be a symbol of hard work and industriousness.

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