Metalsmiths of Teslite Organization in Galfin | World Anvil

Metalsmiths of Teslite

The Metalsmiths of Teslite are a skilled and respected group of gnomes who specialize in the art of forging and joining metal and other materials. They are responsible for creating and maintaining the machinery and tools that are used throughout the city, and they are experts in the use of fire and heat to shape metal.
  The Metalsmiths of Teslite are known for their ability to take raw materials and turn them into useful and beautiful objects. They are skilled in the use of hammers, chisels, and other tools to shape metal, and they are also experts in the use of heat to temper and harden metal. They work with a variety of materials, including steel, copper, brass, and other metals, as well as materials such as leather and cloth.
  The Metalsmiths of Teslite are a vital part of the economy of Teslite, and their work is essential to the functioning of the city's machinery and transportation systems. They are responsible for creating and maintaining the zeppelins and other airships that are used to transport goods and people throughout the city and to other parts of the continent. They also create and maintain the gears, wheels, and other mechanical parts that are used in the city's clockwork automatons and other machines.
  The Metalsmiths of Teslite are also known for their artistic talents, and they often create works of art and jewelry that are admired throughout the city. They are known for their ability to combine beauty and function in their work, and they are considered to be some of the most talented and respected members of the gnomon society of Ikarus and Teslite. Their work is a reflection of the culture and the ingenuity of the gnomes of Teslite.
Parent Organization
Notable Members