Left Handers Gang Organization in Galfin | World Anvil

Left Handers Gang

The Left Handers are run by a club bouncer named Odeon, and they specialize in brass knuckle fighting and work as hired muscle for other gangs.
  The Left Handers are a smaller gang but have a reputation for being brutal and efficient, with a particular focus on intimidation and protection.
  Their sigil is a pair of brass knuckles crossed over each other
  The Left Handers have a reputation for being ruthless and violent, often resorting to physical force to get what they want. Odeon is known for his skills in hand-to-hand combat and is rumored to have ties to the underground fighting scene. The Left Handers control the gambling houses and underground fighting rings in the Rumpag District, and those who cross them are likely to face a brutal beating or worse.
  Odeon frequents the cold storage of the Butcherhouse to refine his art. He is allied with Oink and the Brahma Gang