Kerala Geographic Location in Galfin | World Anvil


  A province born from the melding of iron and flame, Kerala stands as a testament to Steelgale's unwavering determination and industrial might. With landscapes ranging from rugged rocky deserts to gentle hilly grasslands, Kerala is an amalgamation of raw natural beauty and the inevitable touch of industrial progress. The air in Kerala is heavy, carrying the metallic tang of molten iron and the acrid scent of burning coals. A constant haze blankets the province, the byproduct of countless foundries and factories churning out weapons and war machines.   Landmarks of Kerala:   The Iron Veil Falls: Located at the edge of Sku'Kalas, these falls are not made of water but of a silvery cascade of molten iron, channeled from a nearby foundry. By night, the falls illuminate the surroundings with a ghostly glow, becoming a sight of mesmerizing beauty and raw power.   The Luminous Pits: Spread across a secluded part of the province's rocky desert, these are naturally occurring pools that glow in the dark. Legend has it that they are the tears of ancient gods, but in reality, they are phosphorescent algae that light up at night.   Spires of Sunjin: Just beyond the village of Tse Sunjin stand tall rock formations, naturally carved by winds over centuries. These spires are believed to be sacred by the anti-Dharan cults, often used for secluded rituals.   The Blackened Woods: On the outskirts of Nuwarma, this once-lush forest now stands with trees turned to charcoal due to the fallout from nearby factories. Though seemingly lifeless, the woods are home to the resilient Charcoal Jay, a bird species that has adapted to this harsh environment.   The Hall of Echoes: An ancient underground cavern discovered during a mining expedition. Every sound within the hall is echoed multiple times, creating a haunting resonance. It has since become a place of reverence and is often used by the locals for solemn gatherings.   Ironhold Kerala Province Steelgale Burlock Church of Dhara 26000 1270 capital port   Tse Sunjin Kerala Province Steelgale Burlock Church of Dhara 4825 261     Asangadoma Kerala Province Steelgale Burlock Church of Dhara 1686 164   Nuwarma Kerala Province Steelgale Burlock Church of Dhara 7449 871   Sheretute Kerala Province Steelgale Burlock Church of Dhara 7195 101   Udiberi Kerala Province Steelgale Burlock Church of Dhara 1706 835   Kodorgaga Kerala Province Steelgale Burlock Church of Dhara 4515 147   Edeababiu Kerala Province Steelgale Burlock Church of Dhara 11452 1402   Tsebefum Kerala Province Steelgale Burlock Church of Dhara 4141 101   Garale Kerala Province Steelgale Burlock No religion 2579 131 port     Sku'kalas Kerala Province Steelgale Medoan No religion 2924 698