Cavahn Settlement in Galfin | World Anvil


Cavahn is a bustling and prosperous city that serves as the capital of the Kadin province in the Caluan Desert. The city's hot and salty climate is unforgiving, but its people are strong and resilient. The majority of the population is made up of Caluan people who worship the Siroccan Pantheon, the deities of sun, moon, sand, and wind.   The city is known for its main trading docks, which see a constant flow of goods and commodities coming in and out of the desert. It is also home to the wealthiest of the Caluan people, who have made their fortunes through trade, craftsmanship, and resource extraction.   The city is surrounded by large and powerful storm walls that protect its inhabitants from the frequent and dangerous sandstorms that ravage the desert. Within the city walls, there is the Ancient Ziggurat, a fortified structure that serves as a stronghold and a symbol of the city's power.   The Oligarch of Cavahn is Romulan Mustafic, a shrewd and influential figure who is known for his business acumen and his diplomatic skills. Despite the harsh and inhospitable environment, Cavahn is a city of opportunity and potential, drawing people from all over the desert in search of a better life.   The trading docks of the Caluan Desert​   ​Large powerful stormwalls protect from the arid winds.​   ​Romulan is the wealthiest person in Karin.​   ​ Trading docks of the desert, large powerful stormwalls protecting from the sandstorm. Romulan is a wealthy kingpin living here​