Everglade - Growth, Birth and Fertility Character in Galfin | World Anvil

Everglade - Growth, Birth and Fertility

God of Growth, Birth and Fertility.   Everglade, the goddess of swamps and fertility, is a fearsome deity to behold. Her appearance is that of a young woman adorned in vine-woven leather and a toothed necklace, with a mangled and terrifying face. However, her lower half is that of an alligator centaur, emphasizing her connection to the swamp.   Swamp dwellers hold Everglade in high regard, and even those who do not live in the swamps will offer prayers to her, especially those who are expecting a child. Her power is derived from the fertile soil and life-giving waters of the swamp, which she fiercely protects.   Everglade is accompanied by a massive, 6-legged, 60-ft. long crocodile beast, which serves as both her avatar and pet. This beast is rarely seen by outsiders and is said to hide in the deepest parts of the swamp.   In one hand, Everglade holds the power of plant life, running water, and other life-giving things. The other hand is covered in glowing frog eggs, algae, and rot, symbolizing her control over decay and the natural cycle of life and death in the swamp.   Those who seek Everglade's favor must show respect for the swamp and its inhabitants and offer sacrifices of food, drink, and other tokens of fertility. But those who dare to disrespect her or the swamp will face her wrath and the fierce protection of her crocodile beast.     Chaotic Neutral   She wears a crocodile pelt and a toothed necklace. She is adorned in vine woven leather and her face is mangled and terrifying. Everglade’s body is that of a young woman but her lower half is a distorted alligator centaur.   Daijin and Oathblades worship her, although other will makes prayers, especially those with child.   The 6-legged 60 ft long crocodile that is an avatar and pet of Everglade.   She wears a crocdile pelt and a toothed necklace.   Adorned in vine woven leather.   Face is mangled and terrifying, body is a very fit female body, legs are a distorted gator centaur.   One hand represents plant life, running water and other life giving things.   Other hand is litttered in lizard eggs, algae and rot.   She wears a crocdile pelt and a toothed necklace, adorned in vine woven leather, face is mangled and terrifying, body is an attactive young woman's body, legs are like a distorted gator centaur
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