Dharan Priest Profession in Galfin | World Anvil

Dharan Priest

​The priests are the military might of the dharan people. Most humans from the Great Plateaus of Galfin have converted to worshiping the great Dhara. Many humans of Galfin stray from the holy path; the daijin bottom-feeders who dwell in the swamps of Vargen, the owendu heretics from the Wasteland, or the barbaric yergralffe from the North. The dharan priests use their combat training to defend the converted areas; primarily Skygarde. The royal familyfunds the Dharan church through most of the religious warfare and uses the elite priests as a line of defense in Skygarde. The great Yacobius Hrothgar has led his priests into the far reaches of Galfin to attack and conquer the lesser humans and beasts of the land. Though Yacobius Hrothgar has had disagreements with the church and the uses of the priests, the church knows that all will fall under the might of Dhara, willfully or not.​     ​The soldiers of the Church of Dhara.​     ​They are taught that their lord Dhara wants them to conquer and convert the rest of Galfin.​     ​The Dharan priests have no designated leader and are given their god-given power to enforce the will of ther lord.​     ​If a priest deems a business to be morally unkept then they have the authority to shut it down. This is a constant threat inside the walls of Skygarde.​     ​Arch King Skytracer is okay with the priests working as extra muscle as long as they know they are still under the rule of Skytracer's High Guard soldiers.​     ​Skytracer generally calls the priests into security meeting so they can roam the city streets and the guards can maintain the richer districts.​     ​Yacobius Hrothgar is a devout priest but has recently started to question whether or not the priests are to controlling over the beliefs of the innocents living in the slums.​