Cardinalhood Organization in Galfin | World Anvil


The Cardinalhood was formed by Addikus Windslayer as soon as he was given the Mooncrest Woods. He gathered all his best men and scouted the forest. The Cardinalhood is a ranger military force who police the forest province from monsters and criminals. The faction eventually spread too thin and collapsed under the rule of Enguerrand Windslayer. The young boy struggled after his father lost his fertile land in an uprising at the start of the 5th Era. Because Enguerrand could not provide the funds needed to recoup the devastation his executed father brought upon his land, he had to streamline the services and began working with the bramble dwarves to supply wood to sell and make some coin back. The Cardinalhood only resurfaced about 20 years ago when two retired High Guard veterans joined together to rebuild the rangers. These men were named Rayne Cross and Barren Blackcherry. In that time the current Eastking has been very absent from his kingdom so the Cardinalhoodnis needed now more than ever. Barren uses a lo or of his faction in an ongoing war with the Fenris Tribe. The story goes that a group of werewolves stormed his retirement home and killed his wife and kids.   The Cardinalhood is a group of rangers operating in the Mooncrest Woods. The woods have fallen to a lack of order that the Cardinalhood plans to fix. Since the High Guard protects the Skygarde walls and nothing else; the rangers decided to bring law to the Mooncrest Woods.   The greatest threat to the Cardinalhood is the Fenris Tribe. The Fenri are a gang of lycanthropes who rarely switch back to their human form.   With Barren Blackcherry and Rayne Cross; a reformed Outsider and a knight respectively, leading the rangers, order will most certainly come to the creatures of the Mooncrest Woods.   Barren Beekekeeper freric friar gair johann krystianan luke s ranger scout talon watchamn woodsman
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