Buraq Horse Species in Galfin | World Anvil

Buraq Horse

The Buraq of this world is a majestic creature, sought for its beauty and unique appearance. With its sleek, horse-like body and powerful legs, it is able to run with speed and grace, and its golden hooves are said to be imbued with magical powers. Its feathery coat shimmers and glows in the light, and its eyes are said to hold the secrets of the cosmos. Though it is generally peaceful and docile, the Buraq is fiercely loyal to those it trusts, and it will not hesitate to defend its rider if threatened. Its powerful muscles and agile movements make it a formidable opponent in battle, and it is respected and feared by all who encounter it. Many a brave warrior has sought to tame a Buraq and ride it into battle, for it is said that those who possess one of these majestic creatures are blessed with great strength and power.