Bikram Ravaste Character in Galfin | World Anvil

Bikram Ravaste

Bikram Ravaste

A mysterious figure from the land of Briggfyrd and father to Renata Skytracer. He is known to be a skilled warrior and is rumored to have trained under the legendary swordsman, Fendrel Black. The Ravaste family is shrouded in secrecy, and their true motives and intentions are unknown to most. Some believe that they are involved in covert operations, while others think that they are connected to a powerful ancient order. Despite this, Bikram is a proud and devoted father who would do anything to protect his daughter.   Biological parent of Renata Skytracer   Born and raised in Briggfyrd   The Ravaste family is a mysterious one, with little known about their history or current activities. They keep to themselves and are rarely seen in public, leading many to speculate about their true motives and intentions.   The sigil of House Ravaste features a black raven with wings spread wide against a gray background, signifying their cunning and intelligence.


Irma Rhytyn


Towards Bikram Ravaste

Bikram Ravaste


Towards Irma Rhytyn

Current Location
Irma Rhytyn (spouse)