Beatrix Tuck Character in Galfin | World Anvil

Beatrix Tuck

Married Veres Skytracer   Mother to Dobos Skytracer   House Tuck is a noble house known for their agricultural expertise, particularly in farming and husbandry. They are respected for their fertile lands, bountiful harvests, and their stewardship of the land.   Sigil: The crest of House Tuck depicts a piece of corn, set against a field of green, representing their agricultural expertise and abundance. The corn represents their fertile lands and bountiful harvests, while the green color symbolizes their connection with nature and their stewardship of the land. The crest embodies their agricultural prowess and their role as responsible custodians of the land.


Veres Skytracer


Towards Beatrix Tuck

Beatrix Tuck


Towards Veres Skytracer

Current Location
Veres Skytracer (spouse)