Barricuda Barricade Building / Landmark in Galfin | World Anvil

Barricuda Barricade

A fishing area where the fisher maintains the barracuda population. The barracuda are native tot he lakes but kill too quickly the delicate population of other water life in the lakes. Barracuda is also a delicay within the markets.
  A protective barrier constructed to shield the wharf from strong winds and stormy weather. The air carries the briny scent of the sea, and the sounds of waves crashing against the barricade contribute to a maritime environment. Rasper gnome fisherman Appearance. Rasper is wearing overalls, tall boots, and smells of fish. He has brown hair and beady black eyes. He is somewhat sickly. He is 39 years old (adult), 5 ft, 7 in (170 cm) tall, and weighs 110 lbs (50 kg). Personality. He believes it is important to be wealthy and fun-loving. He believes art and beauty are frivolous. He pays lipservice to the goddess of the sky and gems, and his alignment is true neutral (N). Adventure Hook. He has an amazing investment opportunity for you.
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