Audrey Arden Character in Galfin | World Anvil

Audrey Arden

Married Dobos Skytracer   Mother to Toth Skytracer and Elis Skytracer   House Arden is a noble house known for their connection with nature, their mastery of herbalism and healing arts, and their stewardship of the forests in the realm. They are respected for their knowledge of herbs, their healing abilities, and their dedication to preserving the natural world.   Sigil: The crest of House Arden depicts a lush green tree, set against a field of earthy brown, representing their connection with nature and their stewardship of the forests. The green tree symbolizes their knowledge of herbs, their healing abilities, and their affinity for the natural world, while the earthy brown color signifies their groundedness and connection with the earth. The crest embodies their commitment to herbalism, healing arts, and their role as protectors of nature.


Dobos Skytracer


Towards Audrey Arden

Audrey Arden


Towards Dobos Skytracer

Current Location
Dobos Skytracer (spouse)