Alison Zedner

Married Oweyn Skytracer   Mother to Ezabell, Alson and Guiy Skytracer   House Zedner is a noble house known for their mastery of alchemy and potion making. They are skilled alchemists and potion brewers, with a reputation for their expertise in creating powerful elixirs and potions.   Sigil: The crest of House Zedner depicts a golden alembic, a symbol of alchemy, set against a field of midnight blue. The golden alembic represents their mastery of alchemy and potion making, symbolizing their knowledge and skill in the mystical arts of transmutation. The midnight blue represents their association with mystery and magic, as well as their pursuit of arcane knowledge and experimentation.


Oweyn Skytracer


Towards Alison Zedner

Alison Zedner


Towards Oweyn Skytracer

Current Location
Oweyn Skytracer (spouse)