Sildorf Settlement in Galactus | World Anvil
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Sildorf is a town in the foothills of the Araumorndin and is part of the kingdom of Streyburg. It is a small town with a population of about 5,000.


Sildorf is led by one of the lords of Streyburg, a man by the name of Wilfried, of House Goldrest. The town must obey all the national laws of Streyburg, but Wilfried is able to impose his own laws and taxes on the folk of Sildorf. There is also a council in Sildorf made up of a handful of townsfolk, which provides counsel to the lord on legal matters.


The town proper is surrounded by a tall stone wall, which is patrolled by the Streyburg Guard regularly. Since its near-destruction in AV 1541, it has been more thoroughly protected to prevent another disaster in the future. The wall has guard towers, each equipped with mounted crossbows, and a heavily protected garrison in the middle of the town in case of a breach.

Industry & Trade

Sildorf's main production is clay and bricks. The hills in which Sildorf is nestled are rich with clay, and a great number of clay pits in which the laborers of the town work, extracting the soil and bringing it into the town's industry quarter to be processed. In the industry quarters, the soil is poured into large, shallow basins, where water is added. Here, the soilworkers use their bare feet to mix the soil around until it creates a very watery mud, which is left to sit until all the larger particles settle out and the clay particles remain suspended in the water. The water-clay solution is scooped up in buckets and poured through a fine cloth, which filters out the clay particles and leaves one with pure clay after about two to three days. The clay is dried a little before being sent to potters and brickmakers, who use the clay for their respective crafts. The processed clay is also sent in large blocks, about ten pounds each, on wagons to Westport, where they are sold and traded to other merchants and craftsfolk.

Sildorf is also surrounded by a few smaller farms, which produce a majority of the food for the town, while other more exotic crops and products are bought from Westport. Sheep and goats are popular livestock animals, as they are content eating the tougher grasses and small bushes that grow on the hills around the town.


Sildof was founded in AV 1282 after a group of clayworkers who had settled down in the same area decided that their settlement was large enough to warrant a name. They named it Sildorf, and the little village soon began to thrive and grow further. When it was large enough to be declared a town in AV 1314, a group of Sildorfans went to Westport to apply for a town charter. This was granted, on the condition that they, like all towns in the newly-formed Streyburg, accept the leadership of a lord of Streyburg. The town was assigned to House Goldrest.

In AV 1436, the town was attacked by a clan of orcs. Their initial attack came as a surprise, late one night while the townsfolk slumbered. The orcs destroyed buildings, killed citizens, and looted supplies. The raids continued for almost a cycle, to the point where townsfolk were actively leaving and others were starving. Many were too frightened to leave their homes even during the day. By the time the Streyburg Guard arrived, the town was nearly decimated.

The Streyburg Guard drove the orcs out, killing many of them and leaving a lasting threat should they ever dare to return. Slowly, with the help of Streyburg resources, the town was rebuilt. The townsfolk returned, and new defenses were put in place. A garrison was built in the middle of the town in case of another such disaster, so that citizens could seek shelter and safety while still staying in the town. Walls were also constructed to keep monsters at bay.

Founding Date
AV 1284

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