Saltfair is a rather disreputable coastal village on the shores of the Gulf of Morning. Nestled at the foot of the cliffs on which the Misty Pine Forest sits, it has a reputation for hosting all manner of visitors, and infamously pirates. It is well known for its gambling hall, in which folk from all walks of life try their luck, as well as its more shady nightlife.
The village of Saltfair sits in the territory of Mistfall, so it technically belongs under that country's government. However, it is generally left to its own devices, and many of the laws of Mistfall are ignored here.
Saltfair's de facto leader is the owner of the gambling hall, Oswyn Pylet, a wealthy weaselfolk who gained power and influence by buying his way into the hearts of the villagers and their visitors. Pylet is able to make his own rules, and has a group of enforcers, mostly other Fauna, who make sure that these rules are followed. Generally, no one complains about Pylet, either because they agree with his decision making, or because he has something to hold over them, usually money.
Pylet is very lenient on the more louche activities occurring in Saltfair, more so than Mistfalian law, and allows most dealings to occur so long as he gets his tax payments and business in his gambling hall. This has given Saltfair the reputation of being a safe haven for pirates and other outlaws; as long as you pay your fines and don't cause trouble, Pylet and his enforcers will leave you alone.
Industry & Trade
Saltfair began as a fishing village, so it has a rather impressive fish market. Some folk will make a stop in Saltfair to get supplies before they make a trip across the Jade Sea, as it generally sells things at much lower prices than Rosewick, which sits on the shores of the same gulf. Its popularity for supply stops also allows several inns to operate in the village, and for artisans involved in the shipping industry such as rope- and sailmakers to make an honest living.
Although Saltfair has a lively fishing and shipping industry, it is much better known for its far seedier establishments. The most prominent of these is the gambling hall, the Grand Chalice, owned by Oswyn Pylet and staffed by many of the village's locals. Frequented by both regular folk and pirates, it hosts several games such as Three-Dragon Ante, Splendarr, Liar's Dice, and others. Most folk who visit the village spend at least some time here, with some winning big and others losing out. Regardless, the Grand Chalice always wins out in the end and brings in quite a lot of money to the village.
Saltfair is also home to a few taverns and call houses, where many visiting pirates and sailors go to relax and take a break from their seafaring lives. Although call houses are technically illegal in Mistfall and indeed most of the world, the ones in Saltfair are an open secret. The workers are generally well-paid and respected, and for all his faults, Pylet ensures that all the escorts there are working by choice.
Saltfair is an old town, dating back to around AV 1300 or so. It began as a small fishing village with only a few inhabitants, but slowly grew as more visitors came by to stock up on food and water before making long journeys. As it grew in popularity, it became a hotspot for pirates to conduct deals among one another and sell off their contraband. Because it was so secluded, it was easy for these pirates to arrive unnoticed by the Balihran navy, which patrolled the coasts of Qopith. These pirates spent their money in the village's tavern and inn, and more of these establishments popped up over time. With the addition of seedier visitors, the call houses were established to provide some entertainment for the sailors and pirates.
In AV 1586, the Mustelae Oswyn Pylet arrived from Mosshaven. He had run a small gambling den in the basement of a townhouse there, but gambling was illegal in Mistfall and the den was dicovered. Pylet was ousted and managed to escape through the forest, where he eventually stumbled upon the village of Saltfair. Seeing that it was already home to some rather seedy establishments, Pylet found it a perfect place to set up a new gambling hall. Beginning in a back room of one of the taverns, the Grand Chalice quickly grew in popularity, bringing in enough money for Pylet to purchase his own building for the establishment. As more and more visitors flocked to the Chalice, Pylet gained more power and influence over the village. By AV 1600, he had bought enough power and influence in the village to hold it neatly under his thumb. His group of enforcers ensured that Saltfair ran to his satisfaction. Since then, Saltfair has thrived with the influx of coin from the gambling hall, call houses, and from the more honest lines of work as well.
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