Rhovalach Settlement in Gajas | World Anvil
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Rhovalach was one of the goblinoid tribes in western Aedinia. It bordered the mountains next to Lytrin. It was founded by Rhoval who unified multiple smaller tribes in her lifetime around the time of the Relic Hunters campaign. It was a successful tribe around the 6th and 7th century AC, this is thanks to its heavy involvement with the Leviathan Fleet after Rhoval had a chance encounter and subsequent deals with Captain Daine Treebound.


Rhovalach is mostly inhabited by the goblinoids. It is rules by Hobgoblins, and further inhabited by Bugbears and Goblins. Since its founding, the leading tribe have all descended from Rhoval. Due to heavy involvement with the Leviathan Fleet, it is often visited by pirates, some of whom have permanent residence and/or employment in the area.


Early 6th century AC- Founded by Rhoval.   Early 7th century AC- After its second leader had died, Rhimbal claims the title of tribe leader.   622 AC - Jade is born in the settlement.
Founding Date
Somewhere in the 6th Century AC
Location under


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