Phindanshire Settlement in Gajas | World Anvil
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A small town on the Stormrend peninsula. It was originally a Halfling settlement, but as it was found and then conquered by Elves from lynoras it became more than just for the Halflings.   The town is the hometown to Deckie and as such appeared in the Relic hunters campaign.


Most Phindanians are Halflings. Some elves from Lynoras live there and act as the governing power. A family of elven librarians also live in the town but are unrelated to Lynoras.


Non-hostile occupation by Lynoras. They impose a tax on the residents but they usually do not earn money, rather they share their resources with the community.


Houses in Phindansire are small, as they are built for Halfings. They are fairly spaced out as most houses have been built by its inhabitants. Some larger, more structured houses exist that lead up to a small castle, which is where the elves live.


Town Centre

Phindanshire contains a small town square where a few shops exist, together with a small pub and a library.  


A small harbour with a couple of docks.


Phindanshire was founded at an unknown date before the 6th century AC.   Sometime before the birth of Daine Treebound and Willow, the town was occupied by elves from Lynoras, who mostly used it as a checkpoint for their military.


  • According to Willow, the residents of the town have failed to learn the value of money for longer than she has been alive. This was shown when she took the party to the pub, where a single silver piece was put on the counter, which patrons would move across in order to buy a drink, after which the bartender would shove it back to its original position. The government allegidly is not aware of this.
 Phindanshire around the year 532
Founding Date
Sometime before the 6th century AC
Less than 100
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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