Lana Yakovna Character in Gajas | World Anvil
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Lana Yakovna

Lana Yakovna was an NPC in the Smugglers of magic campaign. During her appearance in the smugglers camaign she is the leader of the Yakovna family, which is on of The 5 families of Bersail.
She initially appeared when the Smugglers of Magic of defected from The Stolen. Lana went to look if the orginization was willing to play nice and be controllable as a new gang or if they would have to be destroyed. Later in the story when the witchhunters came after the upper society too she requested the party deal with the witchhunters and Vena(who had collaborated with them). In return to her request she would help the gang and offer a no strings attached leaving of Bersail's underworld if people wanted that.   Lana is a cunning and ruthless merchant and politician, even in her young age. Her competency is the reason she was picked as the family head (which is picked by vote in the family).
 Lana around the year 655
Date of Birth
Somewhere in the late 620's
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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