Ilhelm Character in Gajas | World Anvil
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Ilhelm was an NPC that appeared in the Heretics resistance campaign. He was a priest of the Angel's faith, he did his job in one of the local smaller temple to the faith in Bersail. Ilhelm grew up in Bersail incredibly poor and ended up joining the church after a rolemodel priest which gave him and his family charity in his youth. Ilhelm is an incredibly compassionate person, helping anybody they can, regardless of what they've done or how others treat them. Ilhelm also studied in temples and monasteries in his earlier life to become a physician. Ilhelm developed magic from his own compassion, the ability to heal wounds and sickness. A quite common but powerfull form of magic, its particularly common among people of the Angel's faith, who believe it to be blessings from the angels (Ilhelm believes so too). Ilhelm his personal patron angel is the arch-angel Raphael, which he attributes his magical gifts to.   The witchhunts going on around the time of the Heretics resistance campaign is something Ilhelm heavily disagrees with and generally hates how so many of his fellow faithfull fall to blind hate opposed to help people with compassion even if they might hold believes. Ilhelm sees people of different religions as misguided more than anything.   Ilhelm only ever wears simple brown cloth and a simple wooden carved symbol of the Angel's faith, he has been bald from an early age.   the party of Heretics resistance meet Ilhelm in a prison put there by the witchhunters during a roundup because he used magic. As a low level priest people believed his magic to surely be from devils and thus was seen as heretical (Ilhelm his outspoken dissaprovel did not help either). The man escaped with the group to a trip out of the city untill things calmed down. He went to the White tree monastery with them. When the party went back to Bersail, Ilhelm left the group again and said where they could find him in a lower city temple if they ever needed his help. Later in the campaign Ilhelm helped the party organize a tiny bit with the overthrowing of the witchhunters. He refused to fight directly but did allow for younger members of his temple which he knew wanted to do something to join.
Current Location
Date of Birth
Somewhere in the 600's
Aligned Organization


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