White tree monastery Building / Landmark in Gajas | World Anvil
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White tree monastery

The white tree monastery is a religious location for the Angel's faith.   The place is occupied by monks and nuns of the Angel's faith living their lives at this place in religious vow. There are also a couple hovels of farmers and herders in the surrounding lands. The monastery is quite large and includes: a temple, living quarters, library, hospital/guest rooms, courtyard/garden, bathing house and brewery. There is also plenty of farmland surrounding the place.   White tree gets its name from the actual white leafed tree that sits in the central courtyard of the place. It is a minor holy site that plenty of people travel to for minor pilgramiges. The angel's faith typically believe that either an angel once landed at this spot or that they still do.   The white tree was important to pagan land worshippers before and still is. They instead believe the tree houses powerfull spirits.   The party of the Heretics resistance visited this place during their adventure in the year 655.
Founding Date
Somewhere between 300-400AC
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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