Chapter 1: The Power Trio Plot in Gaion | World Anvil
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Chapter 1: The Power Trio

Plot points/Scenes

Death of the Sojus

  1. For details, see Final Battle of the Soju campaign (introduction of Nyrus)
  2. Nyrus, a Human, collects money from Barris in Danarim & gets the Viko job. Barris also tells him about the rumors that Garen is conscripting powerful warriors & mages for something big.

Goruk's Coliseum

  1. Viko, a Half Orc/Half Elf gladiator in Goruk's Coliseum (located a 2 hour walk from Danarim), fights a Grettanian War Ogre, kills it with ease, then kills a Sand Dragon after a heavy struggle. Exhausted from his wins, he leaves the ring to rest (introduction of Viko)

Interrogation of Barris

  1. Kiara meets Barris in Danarim, after using Mind Ease to convince his thugs to let her in. Barris willingly reveals that Danarim’s former government was ousted by a group of soldiers, mercenaries & general rebels led by a trio of important figures. Through use of Mind Probe, Kiara learned about the Viko job & Garen’s efforts (introduction of Kiara)
  2. After psychically assaulting Barris, Kiara must deal with his thugs (4). She pulls out her kali sticks, uttering “Shillegah” to enchant them and initiating combat.
  3. Round 1: Kiara casts Brain Pulse (thugs fail & are disoriented, each takes 3d8 psychic damage (25). Follows up with 2 strikes to the nearest thug, dealing 14 damage & dropping him unconscious. Thug 1 makes 2 swings at Kiara with his mace (15 & 20). Both hit Kiara, but she uses her Precog Dodge reaction to foresee the first strike and dodge it. She takes 4 damage from the 2nd strike. Thug 2 makes two attacks with his sword (23 & 8). Kiara uses Precog Dodge to narrowly avoid the sword strike (rolled 26), and nimbly moves away from the second swing. Thug 3 shoots from afar with a crossbow, firing a direct hit on Kiara and dealing 5 piercing damage. Thug 4 swings his axe (20 & 15), with Kiara Precog Dodging the first swing (rolled 28) & taking 8 slashing damage.
  4. Round 2: Kiara - Insect Plague & leaves the room, dealing 31 damage and calling the insects off after the thugs lose consciousness, but before they get devoured.

Meeting of the Power Trio

  1. Viko leaves the colliseum for the night, only to run into Kiara for the first time. He immediately tries to flirt until she informs him that she's a Warian Monk, immediately showing distaste for the "Peace Police". While Kiara argues with him, she completely forgets to mention why she tracked him down in the first place, giving Nyrus (scoped out on a nearby building) the advantage. He pulls a collapsible bow from his back and activates it with Goultani electricity, channeling energy through the bowstring. He then looses a detonative arrowhead from the bow frame, generating an arrow shaft. With a smirk, he fires the bow at both targets, initiating combat
  2. After a destructive struggle between Viko & Nyrus, the two evenly matched, Kiara manages to cast Hold Person and restrain Nyrus. Against her wishes, Viko uses the moment to knock out Nyrus with two Shield Bashes and a sternum kick, powered with Rouzhai Fire and anger from being knocked around by his opponent.
  3. To punish Viko for attacking a restrained prisoner, Kiara uses her mind powers to temporarily knock out Viko, tying up both him and Nyrus with Counteroot binding.



1/3/987 (Insurrection of Danarim)



Viko, Nyrus, Kiara


Lord Goruk, Jorah the Roaring Thunder (killed in Scene 1), Aethelflaed the Busty (killed in Scene 1), Selise the Wanderer (killed in Scene 1), Yuri (killed in Scene 1)


Grettanian War Ogre (killed in Goruk's Coliseum), Young Sand Dragon (killed in Goruk's Coliseum)



Earns 4,000 XP for the session

Date of Events

  • Nyrus introduction & Death of the Sojus: 3/3/987
  • Remaining Events: 5/3/987
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