Obedience Geographic Location in Gaia | World Anvil


Obedience or Obdience as the locals call it is a region that is used as a bufer zone between the Western Sassliss Imperium and the rest of the quiet continent of Kharis. It's a Savannah that is seperated by mountains from the Kharis Jungle itself.   It is a mostly desolate expanse of land, that has Ancient war machine wreckage buried in the grasslands. It also shows interesting information to a Pre-Isarian Race known as the Primals.  


Primals are a lizardman race that had been asorbed into the Sasslisian fold. They are a collective of primitive tribes that resemble saurians and other lizardfolk. Sassliss has sucesfully pacified the Primal villages in the Western Kharis Jungle and thier outposts in Obedience. They all accept Sassliss as thier rightful ruler.  
"Obedience sounds more like a authoritarian command other than a region. I suppose the name fits due to Sassliss' edge of influance in this region. The natives here, appear to be content with being ruled by a Lich king.
~Aymned Vesterius, Guild of Lore


The savannah is mostly dry arid grasslands with mesas and mountains all about it. The region is dry and hot year round, which makes life tough. Aside fro ma river or two that run through the land, the region doesn't get water much aside from the occasional storms that float out of the Kharis Jungle or coastal typhoons.


The land has been the frontier of total submission from the Sassliss Imperium for a very long time. It was one of the first lands that Sassliss had conquered and continues to overlord over to this day. Though Officially not part of the imperium, it is indeed a vassal to it.   Primal villages and trade posts are about the lands with rough stone-hewn roads that connect its vilages to one another. Sassliss has Semi-modernized the region. With this in mind, Sasslisians Authoritarian posts are all around the land, and its not rare to see the Sassliss Star flying as it's banner over these lands.   Not else is known much about the lands, due to the subjigation of Sassliss and a once independant people.  
"The Masters provide what we only dreamed of, All they ask is tribute of our goods, for protection and survival. Our lands have become connected under thier throne!"
~Kasziz Hessk, Primal Abassador to the West
Alternative Name(s)
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species


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