Daitaro Settlement in Gaia | World Anvil


Daitaro is a Border city of Tausoomi. Being the last major settlement on the Southern Highway that belongs to the Tausoomi Empire. It is a very fortified town that marks the end of the territories belonging to the Empire.


The City is a mix of Isarian, and Humans. Being a former military base, it has a heavy Human population that belongs to the military.


The City answers to the Westen Governor of Tausoomi. This is a border city and is heavily militaristic.


A large wall was constructed along the Western flank of the city, centered from a Border Fort that marks the entrance of the city, and the nation of Tausoomi.


The City has a large fortification here, a great wall lines the western border with this city being the center of it. The Fort Sits right at the entrance, where a heavy military presence presides.


The Highway west leads to more farms, untill one comes along the sight of two eastern towers, each one flying a large Tausoomi national Flag, and tall enough to overlook the land. The Town starts a few meters more where a palisade is established along the eastern flank of the town. The town is humble, and has a mix of stone work and the intricate carved wood of the Tausoomi people.   Further west, there lays a great stone wall, adorned by gold dragons and a gatehouse towering over the highway. The national Border to Tausoomi. Beyond those doors resides another nation, and it appears they maybe at odds.
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under


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