The Will in Fyrra | World Anvil
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The Will

The will is a key concept in the functioning of the world. It is the manifestation of wanting to decide one's destiny. Its essence exists in a seperate plane from the physical plane.  

Relation to magic

  Only the beings who own a Will are able to obtain and learn magic. By gaining power over a fraction of the Elemental Cores, those who own a Will can force their Will on to their elemental core to produce the elements of their choice. This is commonly referred to as 'elemental magic usage'. Beings who do not own a Will, therefore cannot obtain or learn magic, even though they sometimes can control it due to being connected to an elemental core (in the case of monsters) or by being a manifestation of said elemental core in the physical world (in the case of elemental beings). Even though elemental beings and monsters can use magic to an extent, this is considered to be the result of their survival instinct or the natural flow of creation, rather than a result from their Will or desire to shape their destination.   A being with a Will can obtain magic by killing a magical being and thus 'forcing their Will' on the elemental cores connected to that being, or by being granted the elemental cores out of the free Will of a magic user. This last method is commonly called 'the transfer of magic' or 'magic granting'. Alternatively, there is a possibility of using an Artifact intended to transfer magical powers. The creator of the artifact made it transfer magical powers as a result of the creators own Will. Due to their lack of a Will, animals, monsters or elemental beings cannot gain magical power upon killing a magic user or inherit the magic from an artifact.  

Consciousness, death and rebirth

  All beings who own a Will are conscious, while not all conscious beings own a Will. Animals and monsters are an example of the latter. When dying, the will of an individual gets seperated from its elemental cores, but not from its core of consciousness. The Will and the core of consciousness then lose all sense of individuality, due to losing their life.   When being reborn as a result of the reincarnation cycle, a Will which is connected to a consciousness gets assigned to a life and sometimes an elemental core. The Will from the previous incarnation doesn't necessary will be given the same content, direction or strenght in the new incarnation. When being born, a new individual comes into life, with a new determination and thus a new way of 'using' the Will.   Across several cultures in the world, the Will of an individual is often considered to be their soul.  

The plane of desire

  The Will of an individual exists in its own plane of existence, seperate from the physical plane and the highest plane. After ascending, Gods exist in this plane of Desire most of the time, while sometimes manipulating the physical world according to their Will. The ways in which the consciousness of a God experiences the Plane of Desire, is only determied by their Will, which they gained full control over.

Cover image: by Kip97 (through Artbreeder)


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