Elemental Cores in Fyrra | World Anvil
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Elemental Cores

The elemental cores are the source of all elements and magic in the world. They exist in the highest plane. By continuously producing elements into the physical plane, they shape the natural flow of reality in the world.   Elemental cores do not have a phisical form. Rather, they are an embodiment of the possibility of creating certain aspects of the world. When faced with the natural flow of creation or with The Will, these elemental cores can bring forth elements, thus changing the physical world. Since elemental cores are the embodiment of a possibility, their amount is endless.   Part of these elemental cores can be linked to a Will, resulting in the owner of said Will to be able to produce aspects of the respective elemental core into the world. This is commonly referred to as elemental magic. The strenght of that elemental magic depends on the amount of magical cores that are linked to the Will and on the caster's proficiency in channelling their Will.  

The Cores

There are four cores existing in the world, each representing certain aspects of the world. Everything existing in the physical world is an combination of one or more of these cores or aspects thereof.  

The fire core

  The fire core is the embodiment of the possibility of creating fire, heat, light, lightining and all associated aspects of the world.  

The earth core

  The earth core is the embodiment of the possibility of creating organic material, earth, stone, plants and all things that grow.  

The air core

  The air core is the embodiment of the possibility of creating kinetic energy, wind, pressure and all kinds of movement.  

The water core

  The water core is the embodiment of the possibility of water, coldness and all kinds of liquid.

Cover image: by Kip97 (through Artbreeder)


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