Spore Lung Condition in Fyria | World Anvil

Spore Lung

He couldn't hold his breeze anymore, standing in the bright fog of spores he instinctually inhaled. And he knew he was doomed. Moments later the coughing started, violent and unabating, blood splattering the ground. The spores had entered his respiratory system and now clung in the thousands to his lungs. He desperate began searching his bag, fighting through the coughing fits and bright flashes of colour that filled his sight. Chest burning his fingers finally found what he was looking for, a small vial of reddish liquid, it smelt an odd mixture of orange and ash. He quickly downed it before he rethought it. An almost unbearable searing streaked through his throat, coating his system with the vile acid. He fell backwards slamming onto his back, the spores dead, and him, alive. "Shit, that was close" he croaked.

Transmission & Vectors

This nasty illness is spread through the airborne spores of the Crowned Mushroom found in jungle forests in remote Fyria. The spores detach from the parent fungus when the wind picks up, floating harmlessly along until an innocent creature or poor traveller inhales it. At which point it will travel down into the victim's lungs and hold on using small hooks on its body.


Once the spores are inhaled the victim will begin to have violent coughing fits, coughing so dramatically and frequently it is very common to see copious amounts of blood splattered across anything in the victim's path. As the spores settle in they begin excreting a chemical used to slowly suffocate its prey. The poor traveller will quickly develop a fever and become severely dehydrated. Commonly victims will begin to hallucinate, seeing sparks of colour flash before their eyes. All while their lungs shrivel and collapse from the spores dehydrating chemicals. Without treatment the victim will surely die within a few short hours of inhaling the spores.


The only treatment is concocted by a native tribe of the area. It is dark burgundy in colour and smells strongly of citrus and ash. It is a vile tasting potion that when imbibed using a special procedure it severely burns the inside of the victim's throat and lungs. The acidic potion will burn off any spores residing in the traveller, commonly causing permanent damage, especially to their respiratory system, but typically it will keep them alive. A common side effect of the treatment is a permanent wheeze, cough and/or alteration of the victim's voice.


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