Future's Seen Part 1 in Future's Seen | World Anvil

Future's Seen Part 1

This is Part of Future's Seen Part 1 (before this World Anvil World started). This was written before I knew there was a writers network on Twitch. The only changes that have been made to the text are;  
  • The Zone and Segment Codes corrected.
    • From 3.4 to 3 4 for Zone 3 Segment 4.
  • Formatting.
  • The one sentence per idea rule is more than likely going to be broken.
Please expect the following to happen while reading;  
  • The Timeline dates to be wrong.
    • But the same eras will be mentioned.
  • Some of the worldbuilding does not make sense in regards to the rest of the articles in this world. The articles in this world are part of Future's Seen Part 2.
  • The prices differ as I didn't create a currency convertor until 2021.
  • Birdencaster is not named.
  • The Forestry and Animal Husbandry Industries to not be mentioned.
  • The Snatchers to not be a thing.
  • The Policies in Disasters and Lockdowns to not be as they are in the article.
  • The Outside World to not be mentioned.
    • Villagers not being a thing.
  • The Great Rewind to not be mentioned or be hinted at, but in a different time scale.
  It was another stormy February evening, as James lived in a mock Victorian commercial property as the light rain hitting the window panes. James wore faded coloured clothes and had a ball hammer and tongs attached to his belt. James had brown hair and brown eyes, his complexion always gave the impression that he lived less time than the knowledge that contained in his head.   The city clocks chimed 16 as Michael, came through the door and sore James sitting at the dining table with financial books from his core job as all citizens over 19 had two jobs, a core job and mandatory one, James was a bookkeeper by choice and a Redsmith by fate.   James: Good evening
James said sternly but it was his way,
Michael: Good Evening
James: Not long now then until your 16th Birthday, and your first trial period of extra employment
Michael: [Sheepishly] Yes, I’m a bit worried though
James: It’s nothing to worry about, you get randomly selected work and if you’re good at your job, you keep it each trial period is 5 months, they will just keep giving work until something clicks, it normally does.
  Michael looks down as he is still worrying. James gets up and wraps his arm around his adoptive son.   James: it's ok Michael, you will become what you wanted. They always need messengers or cycle rickshaw drivers.   Michael: I guess you’re right
Michael: Do you want anything from the store?
James: Please, 1kg of Penne, 2 cans of tomatoes and 2 cans of peaches.
  James gives Michael a handful of Coins as banknotes went out of circulation as plastic became a precious resource as well as giving him a small piece of paper, the list 5 items required. Michael walks out the door onto the steps leading down to the bustling city.   Michael: Be back soon
James: stay safe, only go down streets with lights, I'm only saying because I care.
  Michael sighs and walks down the stairs onto the bustling streets with cycle taxis and people busily working. Cars didn’t exist because they were too expensive to run, even if you had the money you wouldn’t buy one as it made you a target for ridicule. Michael puts the handful of tarnished coinage into his pocket and walked towards 4 4 the market district.   The city is laid out as a circle, each zone a ring the first number represented the zone, the zones themselves were equally broken up into 12, the second number meant the segment and all addresses in the city included the code before giving the full address.   Michael got into 4 4 and turned the corner onto a wide street that once held a two-lane road. The stalls were packed with items one of canned food. With people rushing about, people weren’t normally like this in this zone and segment unless they suspected they weren't allowed out on the streets.   The last time this happened Michael and James were stuck in their apartment for six weeks while serious issues were being resolved, Michael couldn’t go to school and James was forced to redsmith in their apartment and balance that with schooling and helping Michael with school work. The work James was doing only earned him enough to get him and his son fed for 3 weeks resulting in him accessing his savings which is unheard of normally. The only people allowed on streets were police, people to resolve the issue and delivery people who helped people survive until the curfew was over.   Michael headed towards the canned fruit and vegetable stall and noticed that the copper and general metal stall had more items which normally they were near equal.   Matt: Hi, Michael, shopping for your guardian again?
Michael: Yes, he seems more tense than normal.
Matt: I’m sure he is fine. We get tense at this time of year. What can I get you if anything?
  Matt tries to laugh but can’t.   Michael: Yes [he says uneasily], 2 cans of tomatoes and peaches.
Matt: We only have one can of peaches and 2 cans of tomatoes I can do that, that will be 175 new sovereigns.
  Michael and Matt exchange cash for cans and Michael goes away with his produce in a bag he keeps with him, next was the dried produce stall which today seemed to be overflowing with bags of pasta and other such items as if the wheat and other harvests were plentiful last year.   Michael greeted Claire who seemed to be the same age as James and were friends in the Old World and of course still were. Claire never ceased to be amazed how James cooked with her produce.   Claire: Michael! [She said pleased as if she hadn’t seen him yesterday] How’s the nervous wreck? He was never like that you know he was a lot warmer back in the Old World.
Michael: As bad as ever, he seems more tense than ever.
  Claire looked away as if thinking of the past and of her life she lead when James and her were together in the Old World. The times where most people drove cars and life were only hard when work and the economy were in hard times, that didn’t seem to matter when they were together.   Claire snapped back to reality or what was reality.   Claire: So James wants more pasta, never understood why he seems to like tomato soup back in the day but hey those times are over since we are in the New World.
Michael: Of course [Michael said with a laughing tone it seemed to cheer him up a bit] 1 kg of Penne, please. He speaks of you often, often wished he gave you a role in the old group.
Claire: That will be 150 new sovereigns, please. [Claire smiles knowing James hasn’t forgotten her in his middle age]
  Again they exchanged new sovereigns for items and Michael headed back to 3 4, back to home. He weaved again in the busy crowds of people and got back to the cobbled streets of 3 4 and back to Silverton Square where his and James apartment is. Michael burst in through the door like it was in the Old World again.   James: Are you ok? I take it the market was packed as ever?
Michael: of course I'm fine just enjoy helping out as much as I can and of course the market is full I never seen it empty.
  They laughed but a laugh that signifies that they knew something bad was to happen. The PPD or the public perception of disaster was high for this area which was bad, people were on edge with worry of what the year would bring people kept stocks of items, such as buttons and cans of food just in case, it would be stupid not to have a record and float of amount of food they were keeping.   Michael: What’s for tea?
James: The usual on my favourite day of the week, if I can push past the pain of my hands of red smithing today.
  Michael’s spirits lifted as he knew it must be Thursday or rather James thought it was Thursday timekeeping in the city, or rather date keeping was a problem in the city. The date in the city was shown in the squares but the timekeepers mostly worried about the clocks rather than the easily changed date sign. Michael was happy or happy as he could be in the New World as he knew he and James were going to have pasta, and canned tomatoes as per usual, but Thursdays were a cause for celebration as the work and school week was nearly over or at least for some. Zone 1 would have celebrations and he and James would be playing games by candlelight as the only electricity that was supplied was that of dimmed street lighting, commercial buildings when they were open and industrial buildings and 2 hours of light in homes which was always when people were out which was pointless.   It was 6pm and the clocks chimed 18, James stood at the stove with a match as the gas never lit anyway with a flash the gas was lit James filled a 1 litre pot with water and measured 400 grams of pasta, James began to cook the tomatoes, before long their tea was finished Michael assisted James in laying the table which only consisted in laying two plates and stainless steel plated copper tumblers, placemats were hardly used unless you had important guests around as placemats and coasters were expensive.   James and Michael tucked into tea as James having worked 5 hours as a bookkeeper and 4 hours as a red smith, ate with reckless abandon.   James: how was school, you’re going to need it when you turn 16 next week?
Michael: We had history we learned of the Old World and how happy people must have been and how it differs to now, it was slightly depressing. But I agree I will need the knowledge if I'm going to be riding bikes and transporting people around.
Michael: were people happy in the Old World, did you ever find it?
  James’s head sank and he coughed as he tried to swallow his mouthful of pasta and tomato.   James: we hardly were happy we were trying to better ourselves to outdo each other instead of seeing what mattered, I and Claire were happy together but we rarely showed it to each other, in an unromantic way. Fresh fruit and veg were seen as everyday items, now if we ever see a cauliflower its costs the amount of money to buy a set of plates and cutlery for six.
  James began to hide tears. He got up and went into the storeroom and swapped the peaches which were on the table for pineapple rings and sat back down.   The clock struck half 6 as it did on each day.   James: Michael, as there seems to be a shortage of peaches I think you deserve the pineapple instead! And besides, you need the vitamin c more than I do!
  Michael used his stainless steel plated copper spoon to open the can almost breaking the spoon itself.   James: Easy Michael it took me 1 hour to finish that spoon. [he said slightly annoyed As he took it from him to check if he was right. Indeed he could easily see the smith's mark 3 4JW and smiled].
James: we better be off soon it will take us a long time to get to zone 1, and besides this is the last Thursday before your birthday, and your first assigned job. We might as well celebrate!
  James removed his hammer and tongs from his belt, and they walked out the door and James locked the door behind them, walked towards Zone 1, the only Zone which is not divided. With streams of willing celebrators, they finally got there through Zone 2 the governmental zone. Zone 1 the zone with a 360-degree roman amphitheatre just worn out, the circular stage was lower down from the lower seats almost like a pit. Cheap and easily produced bread were given out. The entertainment was the usual fire jugglers and fire dancers with a wooden stick gladiator fight. James always enjoyed the gladiator fights. Minutes seemed to pass quickly and minutes became hours.   The city clocks struck 23 and people began to get up from their perches. James was however frozen in place like the statues that the architecture was part of. Michael shook James out of his trance. Soon they got to the ringed cobbled street of zone 1 with its arrow-shaped signs pointing down streets that spun off into the horizon, each sign told which segment they were going towards. Unfortunately for James and Michael, the first sign they saw was for 11 they walked within the flow of human traffic until they got to sign 4, the way home.   Getting back they got in and got ready for bed as they were both very tired. At 5 am the bell tolled loudly as it shook James awake. Michael and he had a quick breakfast of canned fruit, bread and water before they headed off for what the day had for them.   James headed towards the accountants for his 4 hours work and Michael headed toward his final day of school as he was turning 16 on Saturday.   James’s workplace resembled something out of the 20th century like a bank that had been frozen in time and promptly forgotten about, within piles of documents and invoices ready to be documented, the exterior however tied in with the mock Victorian architecture.   Michael’s, soon to be former school was something that could only be described as something that would be seen out of a reconstruction of a historical drama again the outside agreed with building work but the gates required a blacksmith's hand as did anything which was made of steel in the city, the windows needed cleaning but the winter's morn could be seen still the interiors look like they could be seen from fully from the 19th century.   Michael got to his desk just before 5:35 he was early and eager to see what fate had for him, he hopes that fate was his friend this morning. At toll of 6, Michael would find out. A woman who looked like she should be in bed asleep as she looked near to death came in.   Teacher: Good Morning class today you leave this class and this school. You will find a new future within the city.
Teacher: Boys first.
Teacher: Trevor, you first.
  Trevor a boy with red mucky hair, it wasn't surprising that his father was a blacksmith and his mother worked at the laundrette as their extra employment, no one really knew what they did for core work. Trevor got up from his rickety chair and went to the front where the teacher was holding a faded blue cloth bag. His grimy hand went in and pulled out a slip of paper.   Trevor: Level 1 Carpenter.
Teacher: that job is crucial, it is about time this school got new chairs.
  Michael sighed in relief as Trevor didn’t get cycle taxi driver.   Next was Simon, a boy with dirty blonde hair the girls seem to take a liking to him not that he noticed that much. Again like Trevor, he picked out a job Level 1 cycle taxi driver.   Teacher: Oh dear Simon it looks like you have a hard 5 months ahead of you.
The girls laughed as Simon was more about knowledge and technical work than that of physical work.
Teacher: quiet down now, Michael your turn.
  Again Michael followed procedure and picked out a job and unfolded the slip paper.   Michael: I got Level 1 Red Smith
Teacher: Just like your Guardian then, never mind.
  Michael sat back down in his chair with a thump.   Later that day James walked from his bookkeeping role to his red smith role. Walked through the door, put on a leather apron and got to work on a plate he was working on. Not soon after Michael walked through the door and handed in his slip of paper, so he could be shown the ropes of his new role. A level 1 red smith's job was to flatten copper sheet back to where it was before it was hammered. To correct mistakes or to even make it look as if it was ready to be hammered, a new prepared piece of copper. Sometimes they melted down the broken unusable plates and other copper plated with stainless steel items people gave up for a credit note. Michael was at least pleased to be working with his guardian, but he longed to be a cycle taxi driver. Michael set to work breaking up an old jug. Michael looked round to see James hammering away at his plate.   Michael soon worked the items back to plate metal and those he couldn't put into the steel bucket for remelting. James at this point was using his tongs to pick up the copper plate to reheat the metal to red hot to anneal it and got back to work finishing the plate which he soon completed, stamped it with its maker's mark “3 4JW” and placed it into a wooden crate to be plated by the metal-platers.   Next was a tumbler. Tumblers were more difficult as the copper had to be stretched over the form to make the tumbler shape but after a while, James got the initial shape and removed the tumbler shape to a more refined form and began to hammer.   The bell tolled for 2:30 and people took their break, James went over to Michael who at this point was reversing mistakes on a bowl.   James: Come Michael, we have 15 mins break.
  Michael got up and followed James out the back of the red smithing workshop with wooden crate to with items to be plated. James and Michael walked down Bakers Street which was the backstreet of the red smiths towards the metal platers. Along the way people were busily transported to far off places within the city, some of which he knew and gave an acknowledging nod, his mind flashed back to the Old World and how people would be walking or cycling or even driving.   Other people, he didn't know but he knew they were from different parts of the city because of the way they were dressed not that people dressed as part of their social class it was more the way they dressed that made it feel they came from another part, their clothes were still faded, however.   James and Michael got to the metal-platers and passed over the wooden crate and had the items counted and logged in the books of the metal-platers as well as a sheet of thin paper something that was more suited to being wrapped around a can than used to write on. James was given their now empty crate and a piece of rectangular paper, which contained the quantities of the items and the cost of metal plating them plus what the red smith place was owed money by the bank. The metal platers had a reference card which was a wooden board of items and their costs so that the bank could pay the right amounts to the businesses for producing the items. Michael and James got back to the red smiths in time. James passed the note to his workshop manager and got back to work on his tumbler while Michael worked on a plate.   Later when the bell tolled 16:00 for work to be finished, Michael, James and the workshop Manager walked over together to the bank in 3 5. The bank was that of dirty white marble-like stone that would look better cleaned and repaired. It looked almost like an abandoned greek but still a Victorian temple. They all went in and queued up behind one another.   James was in there to collect his pay from either of his jobs and to transfer to his saving account among over financial matters of which were important but boring to think about. James could claim his pay whenever he liked, unlike the Old World where he had to wait for the Money to be credited to his account. Michael was there not because he was forced to as he had no keys to his and James’s apartment but to open an account with the city bank as was his legal right at 16. James’s and Michael’s workshop manager was there to claim the amount that was specified on the paper given earlier, and to pay Michael and James for their work, this would not be difficult as Michael’s pay would be logged anyway waiting in limbo for an account to be made in his name.   The workshop manager was first.   Workshop Manager: I’d like this to be credited to my business account please and then debits to also be paid.
Bank Clerk: [who wore red and had a beard that looked like he was auditioning for a Nordic adventure film] Of course, let me just do that for you.
  He got out his chair and went to the correct box with numerals and took out the amount needed and went off to the store manager's box and deposited the amount and logged the amounts transferred on punch cards as computers cost a lot of electricity, and gave the transfer note to the store manager, James noted this as he would see the brown card in the accountants soon.   Bank Clerk: Anything else sir?
Workshop Manager: Yes I would like to pay these people [handing over a lime green card over].
Bank Clerk: [looking at the lime green card] one of these people doesn’t have a bank account do you mind if it is in limbo until he gets an account.
Workshop Manager: of course not.
  The workshop Manager and looked over his shoulder to make a positive gesture to Michael, Michael smiled back. James noted that his pay for both jobs was going in a separate box but still in his box. People with two bank accounts have their box filled will two smaller boxes. Again the Bank clerk handed over the lime coloured card with a stamped mark to the workshop manager who said thanks and walked out. The bank clerk then logged this in punch cards. The Bank Clerk called next.   James: I’d like to know the number of new sovereigns I have in my current account, please.
Bank Clerk: Certainly Sir!
  The Bank clerk walked over to a lock box with James’s number and took out both smaller boxes. One marked CA and one marked SA and sat back down and opened up the box marked CA and emptied them into a brass looking mechanical sorter the bank clerk cranked the handle until all the new sovereigns were sorted the number read 100,000 new sovereigns.   Bank Clerk: 100,000 new sovereigns, exactly.
James: Good grief! I would like to transfer 7,500 to my savings account.
Bank Clerk: Very well
  Again the bank clerk took out the new sovereigns required for such a transfer of which 5 new sovereigns were nickel in metal but half inches in diameter, these got transferred into the savings account and of course logged into punch cards. James knew he had enough money to last 6 months in his savings. Any disasters, which resulted in citywide curfews resulted in the money being taken out of this savings anyway.   James: And I would like to withdraw 1,000 from my current account.   James was given it in 50 New Sovereign amounts and James Stuffed it in his pockets ready to be spent on food and survival of him and his adoptive son Michael. James walked out not before recommending Michael to open two bank accounts like him and to separate his earnings into two.   James: I will be at home, game tonight since we didn’t have one last Thursday. [James Smiles]
Bank Clerk: Next.
  Michael walked up to the counter and asked to open a savings and current account. He then as this pay was automatically deposited and did what James suggested. And went home while collecting his receipt for the opening of the account and the deposit.   Michael got home, and found a piece of paper that would be suited as the paper round a tin can, he looked at the other side of the paper noticed it was indeed a label, a label from a tomato soup can so it must be from James, on the blank side it said “have this”, next to where the paper he found a stack of coins worth 100 new sovereigns. James walked out from where he was and said that he should have the 100 new sovereigns as Michael is paid less for being Level 1.   James: Don't worry we have enough to pay the rent, my core job is paying for that.
  Michael, smiled at James’s generosity, and somewhat bemused from his comment about the rent not that he didn't understand what James was saying, it was he was amused by the word rent like it was alien, he knew that no one really owned a house the idea of a house being bought was not part of his perception, it was part of the Old World and not that of the New World.   Michael: When did the New World started, this was not clear at school in history class?
James: The Old World ran up to 2016, the world started to decline and soon after that the New World started around the year 2025. The years between 2017 and 2020 were called the Between Years. I had lived part of that world and I wouldn’t want to live in that world again, people need each other in the New World.
Michael: Sorry, James. I’m going out for a walk, do you want anything?
James: Yes in fact, if you could go to the bakery and get a loaf that would be useful and the items on this list, could you go to the stores first come back and then go for your walk. It will take time to prepare the items and I want to surprise you?
Michael: okay James.
  James gave enough for a loaf of bread and the items on a list. Once Michael left, James got out a loaf baking tin and a mixing bowl as well as scales and pot for melting ingredients. He got out 20 new sovereigns and went outside for a messenger gave a message and paid the messenger. Messengers sent messages obviously but there was a chain of them meaning if a message needed to go to the other side of the city it would be written instead but would be given to multiple messengers along the way.   James went back in and not soon after Michael returned with what was on the list, gave James the change and went back outside to continue his walk. James set to work on a recipe and put the resulting batter in the oven to bake.   It wasn't long and Michael came back. The smell of ginger filled the room and both him and James smelled the air with eagerment. Not soon after James pulled out a gingerbread loaf from the oven put it onto a rack to cool.   Later that day James cooked some tea for the both of them and they sat down to eat. Later they cleared the table for the game at this point. It got so dark the candles they had to be lit didn’t make much difference, so they lit more and set them of the now clear dining table and allowed enough space for three people to sit at the table at the bemusement of Michael.   James went over to the shelf which kept the board games of which they play. James brought down Carcassonne. With the copper tiles rattling inside. They got the felt bottomed tiles out of the open and put them in a bag so they could be hidden while separating the starting tile.   Copper was cheap and besides the card the game pieces were made out of in the Old World would be used to better effect and would be a waste of resources in the New World. Since James won last time he would be first to select a tile.   There was a knock at the door, Michael got up and answered the door, Michael let in Claire, they began to play Carcassonne. After 3 quarters of an hour, the game ended with Claire winning with 98 points. Claire announced she would leave as she had her extra employment the next day, which was a gardening position in the squares of 3 4 and 3 5. Occasionally she would be trimming the foliage of the signs so the signs could still be read while making the foliage look decorative.   Claire walked out and closed the door behind her. James and Michael packed the game away and got ready for bed.   On Tuesday morning, they had their usual breakfast of canned peaches bread and water, Michael headed to his red smithing job and James headed towards his bookkeeping role. James made a sign that they should meet after work with his hands.   James got in and found another stack of papers to log into books, it was going to be another one of these days. Michael, however, was shaping copper for bowls and tumblers to be made, his hands we getting to be a brownish red colour they would soon smell of copper. Hours passed and Michael was doing overtime and James soon walked into the red smiths to start a bowl, as they had a new order of bowls to complete. It was a shame not many people weren’t in need of cutlery as cutlery was more enjoyable to make. James set to work on a disk of copper making the rim around the bowl and then to shape it into a bowl shape, before long the bowls were being made and not soon after the order will be complete.   The day of labour was soon over, James and Michael walked together to the market in 4 4 but not to get pasta as they had another 800g to get through even though pasta is a staple foodstuff in the city. They got to 4 4 and soon found the fruit seller they didn’t sell fresh fruit or if they did it was extortionately expensive and besides it was unpredictable what fruits people would buy and they would buy canned anyway as they would last a long time. Vegetables, however, were more predictable as people would buy and use them on the same day.   At the fruit seller, they asked for 14 cans of peaches, 4 cans of pineapple chunks and 14 cans of fruit cocktail. Distressingly, however they managed to get half of what they wanted, they had stocks back home which they would use in disaster situations but they were getting low even their records recommended they should buy more.   They would survive however assuming they didn't need to stay in their home for more than 6 weeks.   They got home and nothing eventful happened, soon Wednesday morning dawned, again they had their usual breakfast of peaches, bread and water. Today, however, James took a day off but this did not mean he was working in fact like Michael he would be working at the red smiths as they had large orders to compete.   The city seemed to require more copper items. James got to work finishing a bowl the type that would be used for eating cereal or canned fruit. James finished a total of four bowls and was now working on a set of cutlery that didn't need to be plated. Cutlery was just easy James just had to shape metal, sharpen it if required.   Michael, on the other hand, was breaking up broken jugs and tumblers. Michael was getting skilled and it wouldn't be long until he was allowed to fix broken items or break down complex items like bowls.   A March evening was soon approaching and they left their jobs for the day. On Thursday, the day of celebration, nothing eventful happened just that both Michael and James were looking forward to the celebrations in Zone 1. They headed back to their apartment and had tea seeing as it is Thursday they had their usual of pasta and headed down to Zone 1 not before James locked the door behind them.   At Zone 1 James and Michael arrived and went through the entrance for Segment 4 and got their free bread, which in this case is a white fruit roll. James and Michael found some spare seats and sat down, for their usual entertainment, again there were fire dancers and soon after the gladiators with their wooden sticks were fighting.   James seemed to be in his trance again, it wasn’t obvious why it appears he was lost in his world. The gladiator fight came to an end with its victor standing triumphant. Again the bells tolled for 23, James and Michael got up from there seats found themselves in the street in Zone 1 and sign for segment was at least pointing to 2 and not to 11.   They got back to their apartment and got ready for bed, however, James who in the New World slept like a log not by choice but rather he worked hard enough to exhaustion. He seemed this night to be sleeping like his 2017 self, not very much and very little. He was restless and since it was a Friday in the morning he needed sleep for this new day ahead and his two jobs. James stubbornly woke up and boiled some water for what could be described as coffee this early in the morning to have with his breakfast.   Michael was out of his bedroom and out to the kitchen dinner, with its wooden floorboards exposed. Michael noted that James looked dishevelled, more than usual.   Michael: bad sleep? I can tell you're making the beans drink again. [he said with concern like James were contemplating death at any moment, like fate would kill him].
James: Well restless rather than nightmarish, I didn't have the nightmare of living in the Old World again, the same old problem that we seemed to be rewarding ourselves before the storm. However I do see a hole somewhere in my life, it's about time we go travelling again not far. You know I used to fear I couldn’t leave the country to get away, well that's certainly the case now. [James said in his stupor]
  Michael: Yes I know [he said in frustration]. Where are we going?
James: Zone 5 the Transport Zone, let's see if there are trains running out of the city to west Surrey. But of course, this is Friday we have a whole day of work ahead of us.
  It was a normal Friday with patchy cloud and sunlight, nothing eventful happened apart from James working more at this bookkeeping role rather than his red smithing role.   At the end of the workday James along with Michael, went to the bank to withdraw enough money as well as extra to go to west surrey by train which was a risk in itself as the train services ran at odd moments and tended to be intermittent in service but had a better service which worked its way round each segment of zone 5.   James and Michael managed to get a cycle taxi to the correct segment of Zone 5, 5 12. They looked around in this somewhat alien part of the city and managed to see a bakery/drink shop.   They got in and ordered a few drinks, James treated them both with pastries which Michael hadn’t seen before, apart from James who recognised them as Old World Style Danish (Austrian) Pastries. They sat down to rest as of course, they have been working hard at their roles.   The coffee shop had an Old World feel with pictures on the walls mostly of horses and a picture of a horse caravan in the Wild West, the chairs were that of a faded green or brown leather some were a painted metal, a table was like a picnic table but more looking like a table made from a fallen tree.   Behind the counter was a large blackboard of what could be ordered. The ceiling was covered in venting and wiring. The lighting giving off a warm orange that seems pleasant and warming to the eye. The lighting was that of LED filament light bulb. An open front fridge offering drinks to buy, James thought people must want a lot of drinks in summer since it was cold drinks in the fridge, either that people came for the cold air from the fridge.   Behind the counter various electronic items to toast sandwiches and prepare waffles. Michael and James enjoyed their drink and treat pastries.   After James and Michael rested they walked to the train station which itself was in need of repair its brickwork needed repairing. They found the station attendant and said they wanted two adult returns to west Surrey.   The Station attendant who had dirty blonde hair was somewhat displeased not by what they said but that there would not be any trains running until Saturday, the following week. James and Michael thanked the train attendant and walked back to the Bakery and drink shop, they might as well enjoy themselves it was Friday after all.   Sometime after…   James: Do you want to walk back to 3 4 from here?
Michael: Do you even think we will make it?
James: Well the cycle taxis drivers will be at home by now. So we might well try.
Michael: Are we going Segment or Zone first?
James: We might as well do the Zone first and besides we will see more of our Zone in which we live.
  James and Michael walked from 5 12 to 3 12 and from there to 3 4. They, of course, got back to their apartment and got ready for bed. Having seen more of their zone of which they lived but haven’t seen much of as they were too preoccupied because of their work placements and they didn’t normally need to go to other parts of the city unless they needed to.   The two tossed and turned in their beds with nightmares in their heads, a new morning awoke on a sunny if cloudy Saturday. Both were very tired and walked into the kitchen diner, James started to make his beans drink again as well as motioning to Michael to go to the storeroom to get two cans of peaches as well as a new loaf of wholemeal bread as white bread was something only history told of its existence. Michael came over to the table and dropped the tins of peaches he sat down at the table and rubs his face in tiredness, James finally came over with beans drink, enough for two. They both tucked into their breakfasts, their faces showing tiredness with their eyes dipping occasionally, and their face marked with dissatisfaction with their sleep.   James: Are you ok?
Michael: Just had nightmares last night about needing to run.
James: down a street with bodies all around.
Michael: Yes? How did you know.
James: [Concerned] I had the same Nightmare, that was a taster of the Old World Again.
James: Do you want to walk to our local bakers together?
Michael: Any particular reason?
James: We need to do a stock check and order more bread with certainty.
Michael: Ok, we could certainly do with a walk with us not having a good night sleep and with both of us having nightmares.
  James got up and got out a hardbound notebook that listed the recommended amounts of items for a household for two with a range of time so the amounts recommended over a period of time. There were notebooks in every household that help residents know what levels of every item they are recommended in crises. James also took a green card to log what they needed.   James took the notebook, sheet of lined green card and a pencil and went to the storeroom. He got to the small room which held two banks of shelves one on each side and stretched down to the end of the long room. The shelves reached from the floor to the ceiling. James looked at the first entry in the notebook and thought you would never fit everything this book thinks we should have, and it was true it was a recommendation. James cross referenced the notebook with reality and made notes of what they did not have.   The producers of the notebook didn’t know what skills people had. So they included everything they required that certain skills would make items such as knitting, sewing and candle making. James ignored the items for skills he didn't have.   James walked out of the storeroom and put the notebook back in it’s home.   James: Got the list of the products we require.
Michael: Shall we go then, which segment are we starting at?
James: Our Zone and Segment first, will need to go to Zone 4 after that.
  They both walked down to bakers street, round the back of the red smiths, and got to the bakers and went in. There wasn’t much of an assortment of bread as most people ate wholemeal or granary loaves of bread. These loaves needed less processing so could be produced easily. The bread produced for the day of celebration was produced in the individual segments of the city and extra bread made was just sold.   The baker who of course had a floury apron as he was the one making the measures for dough making. Although the measuring of the dry or powdery ingredients were measured using analogue mechanical device, even so, his apron was covered in flour.   Baker: What can I do you for?
James: 2 loaves of granary
Baker: that will be 230 new sovereigns.
  They swop new sovereigns for bread and walked out the door, James looks down the street and saw armed soldiers were on the streets, James mind went back to the Old World and a year when martial law was enacted for the 6 days it was on giving hope to people before it was reduced on the 7th.   They continued to Zone 4 to continue their shopping to replenish their stock for disasters. He snapped out of his flashback and got back to their apartment with Michael.   James pulled out a chair to sit down, once he sat down, however, the bolts holding the backrest and back legs to the seating surface broke away luckily the wood of the chair wasn't broken. Michael ran over to help James up, James, of course, hugged Michael as he got upright.   James: Thanks, Michael, can you go downstairs to the Bike repair and hardware store? And get some of these say to Edmund what they for as they are shorter now than they are for.
Michael: Sure what type of chair is it?
James: it's a Type 6 Chair.
  James gave Michael enough money for the parts required and in enough time Michael came back. James repaired the chair and both Michael and James got ready for bed.   The days flew by, the trees turned from green to brown in autumn and the nights draw in and the days grew colder.   It was an overcast Monday afternoon in October, the city was lit by the red of the sun as it always seemed to be. James left his bookkeeping job and went to his red smithing job to finish up on some bowls. Michael was cutting copper pipe down one side to turn into sheeting since it was cheaper to do so and easier to transport as piping.   Later that day James and Michael were heading back to their apartment both filled will joy and with James having his arm around Michael, they were looking forward to the evening.   They got back, James got his coin pouch out and handed what looks like 550 new sovereigns but would obviously more to Michael.   James: Could you get these? [giving a list to Michael].
Michael: James I might not be able to get some of these items.
James: It's fine I’ll add substitutes to the list [James makes additions to list so it looks obvious what the substitutes are for what items]
  Michael takes the money and heads out to 4 4. While there again Michael notices more soldiers on the streets but decides to ignore them and get on the necessary shopping, Michael walked along the busy plaza of the market district between the leftmost stalls and the main area where he was thinking the seller of the item would be.   He got to the canned produce seller on the left and asked for two cans of asparagus he moved on having bought the cans. Michael moved towards the centre of the market district. And towards where there were merchants with large grills of sausages and other meats being cooked over coals.   Michael attracted the attention of the market seller who was selling hot and cold meats, Michael asked hopefully for sliced ham. Thankfully the market seller had enough of sliced ham and Michael swopped new sovereigns for the ham. Next came butter, milk powder and cheese, that would be on the side of the market, Michael thought. Michael walked to the end of the market and back round to get to the other column of the market.   Michael got to the dairy merchant and got the necessary ingredients required, the milk powder and cheese were more expensive than Michael was expecting but he still had the money to pay for it all.   Michael walked back round to the correct side of the market so he could go back to 3 4, it was getting dark now at 17:00 Michael got back to his and James’s apartment. Michael gave the change and the ingredients and change to James.   Michael: James what are these ingredients for, we haven't had this meal before or at least not these ingredients together?
James: It's a surprise something from the Old World, my parents and I used to have it! [James said with some kind of reverence].
  James called for a messenger and asked them to send a message to Claire in 4 4 if she would and to have tea with them and Michael. James again asked another messenger this time to go to 5 8 to a person's house to invite them to tea, Michael was surprised as he did buy way too much for the two of them, but there was enough for four, Michael assumed they were making enough for their lunch for tomorrow, this obviously was not the case. Not soon after the messenger who went off to 4 4 got back and said Claire has accepted and would be coming. With some delay the messenger for 5 8 came back and said the fourth guest has also accepted, James smiled and got to work making Asparagus in ham with cheese sauce.   About half an hour went past and the first guest came a man in his 80’s who was carrying a lit candlestick holder who looked like the same as he always did and Claire who was uncharacteristically very pleased to see James.   James: Michael do you mind going to the shelf and get Carcassonne down?
Michael: sure thing James.
  James put Carcassonne on the table behind him and the four of them tucked into the well-made meal.   James: How's things in other segments and zones then?
Man: well we have had a power cut for most days now including the commercial and industrial buildings.
James: But think of the astronomy though, that something Alfred from the 2010’s would have delighted in such an event.
  Alfred gave a colossal laugh and James seemed to jump and flinch in this seat. Michael seemed surprised that the name Alfred then remembered that James and he ran a group together as well as being James’s mentor, although seemed to be mentoring Alfred more.   Claire: 4 4 is ok tending to the cities squares is getting out of hand because of the plants. Its sad about the power cuts Alfred. [Alfred Nodded]
Alfred: How're things in 3 4?
James: Could be better, certainly with the soldiers on the street.
Michael: Yes that is strange.
James: Not if you lived through 2017.
Alfred: yes with the terrorist attacks.
James: I wonder why they are there?
Claire: Something has happened most likely.
James: yes [suspiciously].
  They carried on eating and having conversation until they played Carcassonne.   James: When was the last time we played this together Alfred it must be in Guildford in the Old World.
Alfred: Yes it must have been then, back in the Old World.
[Claire just laughs]   In the end, Alfred lost but it was a good try but Michael, won with 96 points. The guests left soon after and James and Michael got ready for bed.   A dark Tuesday morning dawned upon the city as the bells chime 6 across the squares, a hive of activity was about to occur, James and Michael got up from their beds and got dressed and ready for another day of work. James was particularly looking forward to logging financial transactions. Michael making his first copper bowl that would be sold to someone in the city, Michael thought how wonderful it would be for someone to be using something someone else created.   James and Michael had their usual breakfast of canned peaches, bread and water, with some leftover cheese from the night before.   James walks down to the accountants while Michael walks to the redsmith. Michael was finishing up his first bowl ready for the platers, while James was logging financial transactions. Later on, at 4 pm James walks down the past the hardware store he and Michael live above and James got to the library. James took the day off work at the redsmiths so he could check the news in the library.   James checks the notice board for news he notices a red index card, James finds out from the index card that there have been resource protests in Leicester, these saddened James a little.   It was the second Monday in October, the 13th to be exact, Thanksgiving. The day in the city which everyone celebrated unlike Thursdays as there wasn't enough space in zone 1 to seat everyone. It was a long day for both Michael and James as they both went to the 4 4, well they were, in fact, going the full circuit of the zone for something they only do once, there was a need, Christmas and now were good times as any. They were looking for ingredients and items for Thanksgiving evening.   Thanksgiving became a british an obversavance turn of the era and was celebrated to be thankful that people were still alive, had employment, or Educational obligations.   They walked around the stalls, bought various items on the way and got to 4 10 and found several cans of pumpkin pulp. Which is somewhat surprising but not completely James bought two cans but wanted to buy three but he would feel greedy. At this point, James and Michael had most of what they needed so decided to go one more segment onto 4 11 to get the main meat.   They got to 4 11 and bought a cut of lamb that would feed both of them and more. They then went towards the centre of the city going zone first then segment, to get back to 3 4.   When they were in Zone 1 the only zone without segments, there were protests nearby the street to get to segment 8, Alfred’s segment, James found this somewhat interesting as Alfred would be fond of the dark but James then thought of the constant power problems in the commercial buildings would be annoying for Alfred. As Alfred was at the protest this was more strange as Alfred was more organised and would, therefore, work around the power issues. He had once with other issues back in the Old World.   James dragged out Alfred to at least try and have a chat with him, again he wanted to talk with him about tonight as it was Thanksgiving and wished to invite him over as he knew that it would cheer him up and he knew with the power issues and that people wouldn't want to come over to his because the street would be more dangerous. James Invited Alfred. James and Michael, got back to their apartment in 3 4 and dumped what they could on the tables and James walked out and left Michael behind James walked to 4 4 to Claire's stall and invited her too, of course, she accepted. James got back again to 3 4 and shouted for a messenger and asked them to send a message to someone in 2 8 this person was someone special to James.   Later on the three guests all accepted and James got to work preparing Thanksgiving tea, roast lamb as James had the opinion that turkey was a Christmas meat. Soon after Alfred and Claire, along with the guest from 2 8 who seemed to have a warm demeanour with light black hair, he wore glasses and smelled of whiskey and other spirits and brewed items. Michael got a board/card game out ready, for later. They all sat down at the table but not before it is extended and an extra chair was taken out of the storeroom.   James: How're the things in the distillery and brewery? [James asked in excited curiosity]
2 8 Guest: We seem to be okay, we just about produced enough mead to satisfy the demands of thanksgiving, 1.2 kilolitres is a lot of Mead when you think about it. Which reminds me I know we don’t tend to give gifts on Thanksgiving, but I thought I would give you this since, I know you like this as we used to enjoy this together. [2 8 Guest gives a 70cl bottle of Whiskey, the label seems to be coming off in the corners due to the glue used]
James: [Euphoric] Thanks, Jason, I’ll just get the jigger out, anyone for Whiskey!
Alfred: Thanks for offering, a double measure if you please.
Claire: Not for me thanks
Jason: Single measure, please.
Michael: And of course I can't as I'm 16.
  James measured out two double measures, one for himself, and a single measure. James got a bottle of ginger wine which was non-alcoholic and poured out a glass for Michael. They are toasted and sipped, those who had whiskey, coughed after having a sip.   James: How're things in other zones and segments, Jason you obviously now work at a distillery and brewery. That is a big change from Office work you had back in the Old World.
Jason: Well with the between years I found that computer technology was less used so I had to retrain as something since we had those meetings back in the Old World, I thought I would go into the distilling and brewing industry.
Claire: That sounds interesting Jason, Where is the distillery you work at?
Jason: Thanks, I don’t quite know you or the youngest here are, though. It is in 3 8, in a street called Cask Street, aptly named you could say[they all chuckle]
Claire: I’m Claire I used to go to the group back in the Old World.
Michael: I’m James’s adopted son.
Jason: Ah I see, you're the fabled Claire.
Claire: Yes, we go far back as 2011 and I came before James in the group's history.
Alfred: I remember it well. Jason this Whiskey is a good year, I assume you had something to do with the process.
Jason: Of course! That year of that whiskey was my 15th year at the distillery, it's just a new recipe with different flavour agents.
James: [sipped the Whiskey and coughed] mint, vanilla and a hint of Blueberry [James interrupted]
Jason: You know your whiskey.
James: I did a whiskey tasting course at 2 am in the Old World.
[They all laughed in merriment]
Claire: A while back you asked how I was everything in Zones and Segments, everything in 4 4 seems to be going well which is to be expected.
Alfred: The protests about segment 8 power cuts are still going on, how are you finding them, Jason?
Jason: Well better than most, distilleries don't really need electricity.
  They continued to enjoy their Thanksgiving tea. Later on, they cleaned the table ready for their game of Century: Spice Road with its bowls of wooden coloured cubes of Yellow, Red, Green and Brown. They played this since James’s version of Carcassonne only allowed for four players while spice road allowed up to five players. They played two games, Jason won one. They said bye to everyone and headed to their homes.   It was another dark cold Tuesday morning that seemed to be grey washed. James and Michael woke up to the sound of the bell at 6 in the square outside. James got dressed for his bookkeeping job while Michael who did not have a core job yet got ready for his extra employment, at the Redsmiths. A core job was one that one could gain a flat or apartment from working within a core job. James got two cans of peaches from the storeroom as well as two bread rolls that were starting to go stale and hard since James’s was a baker's grandson he didn’t mind the lack of freshness of the bread. James made a mental note to buy more bread and peaches on the market in Zone 4. Michael seemed to be more sluggish from being woken up, they both had breakfast of the mentioned bread and peaches as well as some of the pumpkin pie from yesterday.   James walked out the door first with a few ledgers to the accountants while Michael walked slowly towards the square to the redsmiths. Nothing eventful apart from the order of bowls were canceled even though they had already been made.   Later James went to his core job to his extra employment. James signed to Michael that he would go to the market district but he should wait for him at their apartment. James dealt with the copper bowls by transporting them to Zone 5 for external shipping so that someone could buy and enjoy 4 unplated copper bowls.   When the square’s bell chimed 18, James walked to the market zone to buy the bread rolls and Peaches for the coming week, he did so and before he got to the end of 4 3 as he wants more or a walk he found a fishmonger who was selling salmon and steaks of said fish. James bought 2 steaks but a sizable price.   James walked back to 3 4 albeit through 3 3 and enjoyed walking past the warehouse in his home zone and segment. The warehouses store what others sell and use in other industries and are like distribution centres.   James got back to his apartment, a slightly bored Michael was counting money at the table.   James: I see you went to the bank before coming back home, it doesn't matter. I will soon be the weekend I have something lined up anyway.
James: [excited] Who’s for Salmon steaks tonight?
Michael: [Surprised] shucks James Salmon! Of course why not!
Michael: What do you have planned?
James: Nothing much Zone 2.
  James got the steamer from the storeroom and got to steam the fish and other items he got on the market.   That night they had their salmon tea as a treat for them and Michael got ready for bed, but James went for another walk to Inspiration Square regardless that he was lethargic, he just needed a walk and to collect his thoughts. He got to 3 5 and quickly found his way to the public square and found a bench with a steel bin beside.   The bench was facing a sculpture of a person knitting a scarf while another was unravelling the wool into a ball which the first was using to knit the scarf, an endless loop you might say. He sat down and found his mind drawn back to the early twenty-first century and the thoughts he had of studying bookkeeping. His mind then went through the pain of the between years. Particularly the year 2017.   James held his hands over his face in grief and his mind went to the time he moved to the city with Michael and was given his Redsmithing role as extra employment. James rubbed his face and left the brown grass square with its sculpture to get back to 3 4.   He crept back in and went to bed. An Octoberish Wednesday dawned. James and Michael had their usual breakfast of bread and peaches. Packed their lunches and went to their workplaces James spent an unusual amount of time in his bookkeeping role and Michael who was still hammering metal back into sheet. He was nearing his role upgraded to a level 2 role, he would be able to make bowls soon, James was at Level 3 which was being able to make more intricate items such as mugs and cups.   James unusually and unintentionally had overtime to deal with the level of recording financial transactions. He particularly noted how much the redsmith was making in profit as the business there was picking up. On the whole, James and Michael’s finances were going to pick up, which was certainly good for their diets.   The square’s bells chimed 18 at James headed to the bank as he knew that Michael would head back home. While at the bank James got out 10000 new sovereigns, so that he and Michael could survive just in case something like a curfew happened again and the banking service was not working at that point. James often thought like a pessimist and often was one.   James got back to his apartment and found Michael inside. James got the cash box out and put 5000 new sovereigns in. James conveying the message that he and Michael were going out and that he should get ready. Michael was pleased as often at this time James would just give him a list of items to get and the funds required and he would go on his own generally speaking. James who now had 5000 from earlier and the 135 in his pocket he was ready. Michael was still getting ready. He had got 350 new sovereigns ready as it was sensible to assume that they were going to the market district since it was a Wednesday. It would be a bit odd if they were going to Zone 1 a day early.   They walked out the door when they were both ready James locked the door behind them, at the bottom of the steps they went right towards Zone 4. At the crossroads of which the accountants, where James works, didn't walk past it walking in the same direction but rather staying on the same side of the road walking towards the library.   Michael: [Surprised] Why are we going down here, I assumed we are going to Zone 4?
James: We are I’d thought we start at 4 8 and not 4 4.
James: And besides the library is coming up. Just need to check something. Something of a bit more importance. Just to see if there is news about London.
Michael: Why?
James: Well if we go there it would be a good idea to check.
  They certainly went into the library and of course checked the noticeboard for external news to the city, the resource riots in London were still continuing at least they had food and drink thought James.   They continued down the same street, Accounts Avenue, towards 3 5 and towards the segment they wanted to start at. At 3 5 they noticed the street light noticeably dimmer than normal they thought it must be about the power issues but for one thing they were in the wrong segment so they must also have issues. They got to the next junction and when straight on to Mint Street.   In Mint Street, Michael and James could still hear the mints still producing coins, the loudness affected James. The lights here were more of a reddish yellow but were still dim, the people looked more filthy from their day's labour as they were going back to their homes. They got to the end of Mint Street and carried onto Spirits Avenue the sound of bottling machines filled the air of the 3 6 and the smell of spirits.   The large windows allowed those passing by to see the bottling plants, bottling spirits among other drinks. James and Michael watched the machines filling bottles and label them for what must have been 5 minutes.   They continue to 3 8 the area of the city of which Jason worked at the distillery. The area had a chemical but had the smell of spirits not they could tell with the powerful smell of chemicals covering the smell of the spirits.   Nearing 4 8 they noticed that 4 8 were busier than normal as the street lighting was dimmer and most stores were using candles. Shops in the market district were that of homeware and clothing. The buildings were a reddish brown and the rustication was that of a light grey the streets were paved with red brick and the stalls outside were of course selling food and drink that could be consumed at home. James had the feeling that 4 8 had the feeling of Littlehampton, and the time he and his parents went there for entertainment reasons.   4 8 also had cafes which had large windows which were arched at the top, James noticed a sign in a cafe window and decided to have a read. It detailed a Philosophy group that met there every friday evening.   James smiled and walked alongside Michael who was trying his best not to get in people’s way, they found a store which sold homeware items. It was a store as businesses that do well will find themselves eventually from stalls into stores this was the case for almost everything except for grocers. James went in and Michael signaled over the notice he would stay out in the cold, not that it was that cold with that many people out.   James was looking for a new set of crockery, the store was that of a 19th century tea shop with compartmented shelves, the floors had tables which showed off various items of crockery all decorated differently as well as some cutlery. These could be bought individually or in sets. The floor was that of oak plank flooring.   James found a bowl that were stainless steel plated and looked underneath for the makers mark 3 5 S.J. He liked the slightly different decorations that of petals arranged to imply a flower but not showing one. He put the bowl down and looked for something else something much less decorated.   He found a set of crockery again plated stainless steel, this time showing a spiral pattern. He attracted the attention of a shop assistant who could have owned the business, but he didn't know.   The shop assistant wearing a khaki shirt and a leather apron, with brown trousers. They were male and caucasian, with a complexion that made him more tired than normal.   Shop Assistant: Can I help you?
James: Do you have a set of six plates and bowls of this pattern?
Shop Assistant: Yes, I believe so, i’ll look upstairs.
  The Shop Assistant went upstairs not before a customer came down stairs and came down with a box of six plates and bowls.   Shop Assistant: Here that will be 1000 new sovereigns
James: Do you have a candlestick holder, candles and a box of matches?
Shop Assistant: of course any particular style and colour.
James: Plain as possible and cream for the candle please.
Store Assistant: I see what I can do.
James: Thanks.
  The Store Assistant found the relevant items.   Shop Assistant: Do you want a bag for that?
James: Please.
[The Store Assistant bagged the items]
Shop Assistant: That will be 3420 coins.
James: Where do I take my old items. Since I understand that, I can get a credit note? [James checked]
  Shop Assistant: You can give them in at a Redsmith or at a metal platers.
James: Thanks.
  They swop new sovereigns for the items and James walked calmly out of the store and found Michael in the dimly lit crowd. James handed Michael the candlestick holder and got out one of the three candles from the box and a box of matches. James then assembled the item and lit the candles so they could have more light.   They walked down the crowded road back to 4 4. Michael tapped James’s shoulder Michael point to a corner shop while James jokily did the same but pointed at the shop on its left. They went into the store of their desire, James motioned that he would meet him outside.   Michael went into a traditional sweet shop, and got 500g of cola cubes. James came out of the store he was in, to meet Michael. Michael offered James a cola cube James took a cola cube and began to suck on it. James then handed Michael the lit candlestick holder to Michael to get into the traditional sweet shop himself. He came out not soon after having bought 750g of Rum and Raisin fudge and offered Michael one he accepted. Michael gave back the candlestick holder to James and they made their way to 4 6.   They went to various stores along the way until they got to 4 6, James had a surprise for Michael. They found a restaurant which sold a cuisine that was not known to Michael but he soon realised he was familiar with the food of that particular country. They both went in and waited to be seated.   Waiter: A table for two.
James: Indeed.
Waiter: Follow me sirs.
  They followed the waiter to their table they both sat down at a table big enough to sit 4 people James put the shopping on his right away from the alse.   Upon Thursday morning, James and Michael got up and put their standard clothing on to go to work but did need to go into later, around 8 am, as they were rewarded for the work they did the previous day. James arranged to work tomorrow at the redsmiths as the workload at the bookkeepers but needed to start at 7 am.   James and Michael walked together to at least do a loop around the school block past the warehouse both near Silverton Square and out to 4 4 and back round to 3 4. They did this and it took them enough time for James to start work at the Accountants, James made the indication that Michael should expect a message later on. Michael walked on to 3 5 to Inspiration square.   Around midday, when the day seemed to have woken in wintery sunlight and blue skies a messenger dressed in red came in the accountants and asked for a James Woodwright. James, of course, put his hand up to indicate he was the person they were looking for.   The messenger gave James a folded pale lemon yellow paper with gold ribbon with a red seal.   James: Thanks, do you mind carrying a message to a Michael Woodwright at the Redsmiths?
Messenger: [Western Canadian Accent] Of course it will be 20 coins, What’s your message?
James: Meet up with me at 6 pm in 2 12 outside City Hall.
  The messenger repeated the message back to make sure she got it right and James paid the fee. Michael got the message and replied that no reply was required.   James carefully opened the message from City Hall, a special occasion not many people got written messages from City Hall and if they did they were local and vocal in nature.   The message reads:
Dear Mr J Woodwright   We are writing to you as you have shown an interest in the recent power cuts in Segment 8 and would like to know more or to add your own input, therefore we have arranged a consultation with you and others on Friday 17 October 2036. At 2 pm for 2 hours.   Please reserve your place at the meeting, we have limited seating.   We look forward to your visit to our city’s prodigious City Hall.
  James took interest in the power cuts not just for himself but for his friends Alfred and Jason and started writing to City Hall in August.   James put the message in his pocket and carried on logging Financial transactions. Michael was working on a jug to correct a rim to make it the standard and more sellable. Later on, at 5 pm James showed the message to both of his managers to make sure they knew that he would need to leave early or he would be returning late.   James walked to 4 4 and walk anti-clockwise as he prefered the market district to the office blocks of Zone 2. He enjoyed the wares being sold in the market district and made mental notes of where to buy certain items. He stopped off at a bakery stall and bought two apple turnovers one for me and one for Michael, James thought. He left the stall and took a large bite out of one lamenting he didn't have a full lunch.   He continued to 4 12 and turned around a corner. To get to 2 12 off in the distance he could just be able to see the arena of Zone 1, he enjoyed the walk and could hear the city clocks chime for 45 past 5 and began to walk faster.   He reached the City Hall with is brown brick on the first floor and it dark grey brick on the ground floor, the city crest of what looked like a croissant hanging above the entrance. He pushed the creaky door and went in.   There was a queue of people for three desks, five of which were empty, James Stood in a slow moving line, and took out the pale lemon yellow message to have it ready, the line moved forward slowly as James looked down simultaneously at the message and at the orangey red floor that was filthy and faded from people walking and from age.   The line moved forward again, James found himself third in line. Soon after the moved again but he went to the desk three. The desk was made out of Walnut the desk itself was covered in notebooks stuffed with paper and its side draws creaked.   City Hall Clerk: Can I help you Sir?
James: Yes, I’d like to reserve my place at this meeting, [showing message].
City Hall Clerk: Certainly I’ll put your name down on the list [Taking the message and finding the right notebook entered James’s name]. What's your Zone-segment code? [Returning Message].
James: 3 4
City Hall Clerk: I’ve put your name down see you tomorrow. I’m sure you know where the auditorium is? [indicating it was through overly large doors inset with foggy orange glass.]
  James nods and walks off returning his copy of the message to his pocket. Going outside James whistles a tune The First Noel, to get Michael’s attention and handed him the now stone cold apple turnover.   James attracted the attention of someone else and asked for directions to the nearest public square.   They followed the person’s directions to Founders' Square, an open square with a busy road alongside with people pulling carts and the street lights flickering. The square had benches pointing inwards towards a sculpture standing in the middle of patch of grass which was brown from lack of water, the Founders’ Square was notably larger than Inspiration Square in 3 5.   The sculpture was of the history from 2017 to the founding of the city around 2023 notably the fact the sculpture seemed to have a model like map consistency when it showed the foundation of the city. James noted the what happened in 2017 - 19 and the hardships which occurred in those years.   James and Michael sat down on a bench and sat inward to face each other. James’s covered his face with his hands and leaned down and started to sob in grief.     James: I can’t take much of this, my friends having issues of power cuts.
Michael: [putting his arms around his guardian] it doesn't have to be like that for long. What does the message say. [James passes the Message to Michael and he reads]. Surely that's a good thing if they want to announce something or get people’s input.
James: it doesn’t mean it will go that way, it was like this in the Old World. People complaining and nothing happened it just got worse and the Philosophy of Hakuna Matata took hold and here we are now.
Michael: I take it you’re still going?
James: Of course I will attend that will irresponsible if I didn’t turn up.
  James and Michael hugged each other and walked on their way back to 3 4. James prepared the evening meal of pasta since it was a Thursday. They ate and got ready for the evening’s entertainment, James put the message somewhere he knew where it was, they went out to Zone 1.   Once outside James locked the door behind them. Like Michael before him he looked round to see that the usual street they walk down to get to Zone 1, they found more people walking the street than normal to the extent that the human traffic was almost at a standstill. James looked down the direction of Zone 1.   They managed to get into the tight congestion towards Zone 1. They moved slowly once given a chance to go left they did and carried on their journey around 2 4 towards Zone 1. The buildings were still mock victorian and were of course office blocks, other governmental buildings and residential buildings. They walked to 2 5 and used the road from there to get to Zone 1, this road was more interesting since this road seemed to be sloping downwards as they walked down this road to get to Zone 1.   Once in Zone 1 they noticed that looking back to the road that would lead to segment 4 that was a situation of which the emergency services were required it was become true at this point that the people come from there would fill up the arena not that the arena wasn't getting full already. James dieced he and Michael would get their free bread roll and would enjoy the street buskers instead which displeased James, but what could he do, he had a meeting tomorrow after all.   They had their free bread roll which in this instance was a granary floury bread roll. The first act they saw was an orb illusionist make a glass orb floating effortlessly in the air people clapped and moved while others stayed for more. James puts 50 new sovereigns in a hat and moves on while Michael stays for more.   James moved on to a bubble illusionist who managed to to put smoke into bubbles, James remembered being in Kingston and seeing the same act James Put 100 new sovereigns in this person’s hat. At this point James certainly went home and indicating to Michael this is where he was going.   The next morning they both got ready for work and had their usual breakfast of Bread and Peaches. James was still doing a majority day at the Accountants and had half a day off for the meeting at 2pm. Michael who didn't have a core job since he wasn't 19 yet he would be working at the Redsmiths again.   James was checking income tax and logging financial transactions, while Michael however with James now not working in the redsmiths for two started to make his second bowl. At one thirty James walked to 2 4 and round counter clockwise to 2 12.   James entered the City Hall and went into the auditorium showing his message when entering, he took a seat in the near centre of the forum type seating. Soon after the mayor entered. James looked round the room to assess the audience noticing Alfred.   Mayor: Please can I have your attention please?
Mayor: I know the power cuts are affecting everyone and mostly people in Segment 8 [he indicated where this was on a map.] [People began to moan]
Mayor: We know that we have a culture of saving power as much as possible. [People to moaned louder].
Mayor: Our biomass power stations don't have enough fuel to generate enough for everyone to enjoy. [A commotion broke out]
James: [Shouting] Enough! If we were going to show rage we should have done it in the Old World. We came here for answers and to give our opinions. [The Mayor was surprised at James’s courage and Alfred surprised James still had it in him.]
James: If i might address an audience? [he addressed the Mayor.]
  James put his right hand over what would be 3 4 on the map.   James: I live here in 3 4, we don't have power or at least we have power for 2 hours when we are at work or doing our daily duties. Do other people find this? [People put their hand up or nod]. Well then why don’t we have reduced hours on our residential buildings we can use candles like we always have done. [the Mayor notes this down]
James: My next point, Zone 5 the transport zone, are the lines permanently powered even when there are no trains going down the lines?
Mayor: This can be the case.
James: Why not put trains in powered zones so that the train has enough power to get from one station to another. [ the Mayor notes this too.] With my suggestions we may be able to move enough power to segment 8, to at least have street lighting.
  James sat back down.   Mayor: Thank you, normally I would address the issues, before opening it to the audience. Does anyone else have anything to add on these issues?
  Everyone else just sat there and looked shifty as if they shouldn’t have started the commotion. Alfred was smiling at the fact that James got somewhere with the people of the meeting.   Mayor: Since no one has anything to add. Now for those who want to speak on an individual basis, for those who wish it, raise your hand.
  Some of the Audience members put their hands up, of which James was one, One after another got interviewed and came back into the Auditorium. James was the eighth person to be interviewed.   James walked out of the room following an employee of City Hall upstairs into a meeting room.   Employee: So is there anything else to add since you were at the meeting?
James: yes, why aren’t we getting in more brewer and distiller’s waste, if we are having problems with fuel at our biomass power stations.
Employee: We have had poor harvests and we have difficult choices of feeding people from the waste or to burning it.
James: Okay then, Zone 5 does low industrial, so farming falls under that, so why can't we the wastes from that.
Employee: Costs, adaption of equipment.
James: Right, What happens after this meeting?
Employee: We tablate what people think and put into highest mentioned to lowest and work out what would be the better option.
James: I think that will be all, will I get contacted on any process with these issues?
Employee: Only if you want to be. [James nods] If you like to follow me back down to the Auditorium.
  James and the employee walk back down to the Auditorium. James sits back down where he was Alfred is the next person. Later on everyone left James purposely last, James look behind him to see the mayor wink at him, James smiled back.   A cold Tuesday, November morning, a light dusting of snow could be seen from the inside of people’s apartments. James and Michael got dressed in more warmer clothing than normal, James and Michael tucked into breakfast, however, James was having Pineapple chunks while Michael is having peaches with his bread roll. They leave for their day's labour, James looked at the clock and date in the square to see what the date was designated as and added one, as it would be too early in the morning for the timekeepers to change the date or repair or wind up the clocks. James noted it was Tuesday 4 November 2036, both James and Michael went to the redsmiths the staff as well as them, huddled around the fires of the redsmith to keep themselves warmer until later.   Both were working on bowl James being more skilled worked patterns into the metal. Later on, he wrapped copper wire around a copper rod to make what would later be made into a candlestick holder. James soldered the wire on and filed the ends. James repeated this 5 times, James then cut 5 large and 5 smaller circles out of templates, these were then filed to get rid of burrs. James and Michael at this point went to break, Michael having put down a jug he was working on and walked out with James they just went to the bakers on bakers street and got a few hot pastries, to keep them warm. They walked back to the redsmiths and went through the back entrance. Michael got back to shaping this jug.   Workshop Manager: Since you’re back, can you take those items down to the platers?
James: Sure thing.
  James took the crate to the platers to get a cash note for his workshop manager. While there the same process; occurred the logging of the items and the calculation of the cost of the products. James then received the rectangular card as per usual.   While James is walking back to the redsmiths a messenger carefully ran over to James.   Messenger: I have been looking for you, I assume your James Woodwright?
James: Yes I am [he said shivering from standing in the road too long, he took the message and thanked the messenger].
  The message was of the standard paper used for messages between zones or segments, so James didn't think more of it and thought it would be one of his friends writing to him. When he got back into the redsmiths he used the light of the fire to read the message.
Dear Mr J Woodwright   Please meet me in 5 12 near the rail station and warehouse at Cherry Street at 6pm.   We have something to discuss.   Kind Regards   Mayor Thompson
James put the message back into his pocket and got back to work on the 10 metal disks shaping then so the rods from earlier could be soldered to them on the small disks that were destined to be on top James soldered on a spike so that the candle could be kept still while burning.   When all the candlestick holders were made James put his makers mark and made sure to put them in for quality check. These were to be boxed and to be sold to the warehouse and then sold further to the homeware store in 4 8 among others.   James finished some more rods which would make a further 3 candlestick holders. James put these aside for tomorrow. Michael went out the front to leave their extra employment. James suggested to Michael he should go to the Market district to get something to eat as he would be home late.   James walked down to 5 4 to get a cycle taxi round to 5 12. James pays the cyclist and wonders a bit to find the train station, soon he found his way. James noted a large warehouse building coming into view, he also noticed that a freight train must have stopped off at 5 12 as there were streams of haulers depositing crates from the train station to the nearby warehouse and back again using their carts, some carrying crates by themselves.   James crossed the road to give the haulers some space to do their job. James stood on a corner facing towards the warehouse and train station. The bells of the city chimed 6pm and soon after the mayor turned up and waved in the direction of James.   James crossed the road back over to the Mayor of the city.   James: Mr Mayor
Mayor: It’s good to see you again, especially after our first meeting.
  [They shaked hands]   James: Thank you, you too, I see we have had our late imports for the quarter.
Mayor: Yes and more. You look cold there’s a coffeehouse near by.
James: Thank you, lead the way.
  They went into a coffeehouse and sat down to have a chat.   James: [intrigued] you said extra, how can we be getting extra imports to the city, when we export more goods than services.
Mayor: Easy we have just shuffled money around, we have bought less paper for our offices.
James: What are these extras, then?
Mayor: Wasteages for the power plants but not nearly enough.
James: So we are going to use Old World Ideas, and ration the electricity?
Mayor: No, segment 8 will get longer time allocated for their electricity.
  They continued with their conversation, James was saddened by the news. Later on their went their separate ways James was given a message by the Mayor who indicated he should open it back at his apartment in 3 4.   James got back to his apartment and has some cold food out of cans he didn't feel like eating anything special and got ready for bed. The next morning James and Michael regrouped and had their usual breakfast of bread and peaches. James and Michael got ready for their day of labour, James and Michael went carefully over to the redsmiths as it was snowy.   Everyone again huddled around the fires of the redsmiths James used the fires to read to read the message he got earlier to discover that the mayor would like to see him again after work. Michael and the workshop manager were shown the message and James was allowed to finish work earlier. James finished the five candlestick holders he started making the previous day.   Soon after James leaving his extra employment to go to city hall, he gave michael 500 new sovereigns and winked. It was Wednesday 5 November 2036, or fireworks night. James walked to 3 12 and walked towards Zone 1 seeing the arena. He walked to Zone 2 and found his way to Founder’s Square, he noted that there were fewer people than last time he was here in October.   James found his way to City Hall and went in and he gave in his message and was asked to take a seat. Some time after an employee came down and asked him to follow them. They walked up some stairs to the first floor and walked along a corridor to a flight of stairs and went up again to the second floor the carpet went from a bright pinkish red to a stuttle beige colour, they went through some double doors. What occurred to James was that one of the doors didn’t have glass inlaid but were of darker wood than the other three and didnt have glass inlaid. James and the employee went to the darker door and the employee knocked on the door, a muffled come in was returned.   Employee: Go on in the Mayor will see you now.
  James went in and took a seat in front of the Mayor, and smiled.   Mayor: Well, with your past and with your contribution in the meeting in October this year.
Mayor: I have been thinking of giving you, a core job here at City Hall.
James: I hope you know that would involve moving apartments and have a change of Extra employment.
Mayor: There is an unoccupied place in 3 10 and they need two workers at the paper mills.
James: Yes but still I would have to allow Michael to choose as well as he has to move with me.
Mayor: Of course but please let me know your choice.
  They shook hands and the employee from earlier showed James the way out. James made his way back to 3 4. James and Michael sat down to a well prepared meal, later Michael gave James his share of popping candy chocolate.   James: Wrap up warm were are off to Zone 1, its fireworks night!
James: Besides I have to tell you something [Concerned]
  James told Michael the news that he could be changing his Core Job and that he and Michael would be working at the papermill.   Michael: This is a big change, what would be doing at the papermill?
James: Working in the packing department I would assume being this late in the year. We will have a better apartment not that this one wasn’t up to our expectations.
Michael: And where would we be?
James: We would be in 3 10.
Michael: Right can I at least think about this?
James: Yes, of course [Concerned]. I can’t take too long.
Michael: Ok thanks, shall we get going to Zone 1.
  James and Michael got ready to go out to Zone 1, even though it was a Wednesday, they wore more than usual. James who looked like his March 2015 self, he was full of more life a usual. James took two mugs from the nearest cupboard. They both left their apartment, James still holding one of the mugs locked the door and took the remaining mug from Michael.   They took a different route to Zone 1 than usual and found a Coffee house in Zone 2.   James: [Whispers] Michael, Hot Chocolate, tea?
Michael: [Whispers] yes please a Hot Chocolate will be wonderful.
James: Right then.
  James goes into the Coffee House and orders a coffee and Hot Chocolate to go but gives in the mugs given so they can be used. James came out with streaming hot drinks. James handed the hot chocolate to Michael. Since the mugs now had lids they could walk faster. They carried on to Zone 1 sipping from their mugs occasionally. They got to Zone 1, of course the Arena was shut for safety.   Later on, they got back to their apartment.   Michael: James, I think we should move to 3 10
James: Any particular reason as this can’t be reversed easily.
Michael: We would be better off and our extra employments would be more interesting in the sense that there will be machinery making our roles easier.
James: Thank you Michael, we are both going to the bank tomorrow to settle something financially. As we are moving homes. We better get ready for bed.
  With that they went to bed. Another cold Thursday dawned, they both got ready for their extra employment.   James had a mixture of time at his core and extra employments, but like Michael went to his extra employment first. While James was as Silverton Square, James draw the attention of a messenger and gave them a message for 2 12 and promptly paid the delivery fee. James got into the Redsmiths and put on his apron to start work. Later on when he finished some candlestick holders. He attracted the attention of the workshop manager.   James told the news that he would be leaving his employment and would be going to 3 10 to work and live as he had got a better core job in 2 12. His workshop manager was a little saddened but understood. Soon he would get a message from City Hall noting James has moved jobs. He left the redsmiths to his core job. James asked to see his manager at the accountants and told him that he has got a job at City Hall and that he would be told when the transference would happen.   James continued with his core job making sure to complete his work so the next employee knew where he was up to. Later on a messenger went into the accountants for James having been in the redsmiths to look for him.   Messenger: I have a message for a James Woodwright.
James: [Raises his hand]. Thank you, where can I find you again if I require to send a message to 2 12?
Messenger: I patrol Silverton Square and around to Inspiration square as a circuit.
James: Thanks, I don't have a message to send in reply.
Messenger: That's ok.
  James read the message, the message and was of thanks from the mayor from City Hall so was of course written on lemon yellow paper. James continued his work at the accountants. James and Michael walked to 3 5 to the bank and queued up. At the front they get served.   James: We are moving apartments [indicating Michael] from 3 4 to 3 10.
Bank Clerk: That's fine, we will notify the bank in 3 10. And we will give you your boxes of money now. [finding the boxes for Michael and James, then handing them over.]
James: Thank you. [giving Michael his boxes] I assume I will be messaged that they have been notified.
Bank Clerk: Yes, of course.
  In the city banks operated in the zones, they were in. To make it more convenient banks only had kept customers money if they were local. Since the bank in 4 5 only did up to 3 8, James and Michael had to move their bank accounts in the bank in 3 10. Since in the New World they used Analogue Currency it was easier just to move the money physically.   James thanked the clerk, Michael and he walked out with the boxes of Money. They walked back to their soon to be previous apartment. Once they got there they found two stacks of five crates.   James and Michael carried them inside along with their money boxes of course. James got the necessary ingredients to make their pasta tea since it was a Thursday. They soon ate and got ready for the evening’s entertainment.   Another Cold snow covered Friday dawned as James and Michael got ready for another day of work. The both of them got ready for their extra employment, James and his manager at the accountants knew he would be leaving soon so had reduced hours at his core job.   They both left their apartment, James locked the door behind them. They both carefully walk across Silverton Square to get to the redsmiths. James worked on a set of bowls and Michael worked on a set of tumblers. James was unlucky enough not to be near the fire but would be close enough not to be too hot.   Later on, around midday, two messengers, with some delay arrived at the Redsmiths, both were of course asking for James Woodwright. James downed tools and put his hand up to indicate it was him they were looking for.   The first a male in his 30’s who looked tired and like he needed to drink some water as he was so out of breathe. Came first.   Messenger: This is for you from 2 12.
James: Thank you, here is 20 Coins, my reply is “thank you, I plan to see you after my work today”. Would you like me to write that?
Messenger: yes please [James wrote it down on a piece of paper and gave the messenger 25 instead, the messenger reaching into his satchel for the change, but James stopped him.]
James: Keep the change, while I think about it I need a three messages taken, one two 4 4 to someone called Claire, to 5 8 for Alfred Fenner and finally to 2 8 to Jason.
[James wrote these messages down and gave the delivery charge].
  The next was a female messenger with brown hair.   Messenger: This is from 3 10.
James: Thanks, I will just find another piece of paper to write a reply.
Messenger: Thank you.
  James wrote a reply to the Bank in 3 10 at this point he was using the paper from a can of soup, but paper was paper. James paid the messenger the delivery fee and he continued with his work on some bowls only one more to do.   At the end of the day, having already read the messages from earlier, James suggested to Michael that they would be going for a walk to 2 12 they would be going through Zone 4, this because it would be quicker at this time. They got to 4 4 James as normal chose a bakery product at the stall, indicating to Michael he could also choose something as a treat. They both walked on to 4 12, eating along the way. The arena in Zone 1 in view when they faced toward Zone 1, the arena to look out of focus as if there was fog.   They kept walking until they got to Zone 2, again they followed their usual route to City Hall at this time there was a long queue but they queued anyway.   Along the way to the front of the queue a lot more staff than normal were walking on the bottom floor. A few of the staff members were surprised that James would be here again.   They got back to their apartment, James started packing, starting with the food and items in the storeroom. Michael joined in with packing all but one set of his clothes etc. They soon filed most of the crates to move. They got ready for bed and went to sleep.   A saturday morning dawned Michael was up first sat down at the main table in their apartment, getting his coinage out to count.   They moved into their new apartment off a leafy, [insert square name]. They carried the wooden crates inside, both were surprised at the size of the kitchen-dining-living room. They moved the rest of the crates inside and closed the door, they explored the apartment James noting the size of the store room, that it was bigger than their previous one in 3 4. They regroup and sorted the crates into three stacks one for James’s things another for Michael’s things and one for everything else.   James: Do you mind if I take a closer room since I may have to leave earlier?
Michael: Sure they're both the same size.
James: Thanks, Michael it means a lot [putting his arm round Michael affectionately]
James: We might as well get ourselves sorted.
Michael: Yes lets, as it is Saturday.
James: And with new Extra Employments and a Core job for both of us.
  James did the house things first before doing his clothing etc. James sorted the cutlery since it got mixed up in transit, James remembered the time he was at St Lucia and the villa he was staying at. James came out into their larger living area. James suggested to Michael that they should go to Zone 4. James got out of bed and got ready for his city hall job but didn’t know what to expect. James walked out into the larger kitchen dinner and found michael, they both had their usual breakfast of bread and canned peaches. James headed to his new workplace that of City Hall and awaited in a queue.   City Hall Clerk: Can I help you Sir?
James: I have been told to report to the mayor for a new role.
City Hall Clerk: Certainly, [they then made a hand movement towards a staff member passing by
  End (where I got up to)


City of Ember by Jean Du Prau


Kahuna the Elder
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