The Triplets: Ora, Ern and Heeda (Suvi Islands) Building / Landmark in Frigranden | World Anvil

The Triplets: Ora, Ern and Heeda (Suvi Islands)

Three islands cluster together to the southeast of Kewan (Suvi Island), each with two villages and a large town. Oyster beds are farmed between the three islands, where divers implant tiny grains of sand in the oysters and later collect the oysters for their meat and pearls. The beds are on submerged racks and under rotation, so divers know which beds are ready to harvest.   Ora (ɔr-ə) is home to the Sela temple where Suvi people petition the Sky God as an oracle and miracle worker. Clerics of Sela practice both true divination and charm-based entertainments to counsel, sooth and advise.   Ern (ʊ(ə)rn) is the birthplace and center of The Cult of the Sea Maiden.   Heeda (hi-də) is home to the best carvers of small boats in the islands. Their designs incorporate sea animals, birds, plant life and people in flowing murals. Each design is unique and a fisherman or diver may be recognized at a distance for his vessel.

Articles under The Triplets: Ora, Ern and Heeda (Suvi Islands)