Hamløypar Ethnicity in Freelands | World Anvil


In the dim corners of the world, where the lines between legends and truths blur, lurks tales of skin thieves - tales of the shape changers. The hamløypar (translated: skin changer, literally: skin runner). Whispers of these beings have echoed through the ages, yet their existence remains shrouded in mystery and disbelief. To most, they are mere figments of folklore.

A hamløypar, as the tales go, are not born but made. The transformation begins with a dark and unspeakable act - the complete consumption of a creature. Flesh, bone, brain, innards, all must be eaten. In doing so, they inherit the very essence of the being, morphing their human flesh into that of the creature. But here lies the most disturbing twist: the most malevolent among them, driven by a perverse hunger, resort to cannibalism, stealing the form of a fellow man.

Becoming a hamløypar

The process of becoming a skin changer is as gruesome as it is elaborate. Worse still, it is not always successful. Best case in the event of failure, nothing happens. Worst case, your form twists in unnatural ways, turning you permanently into a mutant, beastling, or even a vampire.

Selection of creature
Those that wish to change skins likely already have a creature in mind, as it determines the new form they will take. The creature must be entirely consumed, so often the choice falls on a size that is manageable. Rodents and birds are the most common contenders.

The act of consumption
The most grisly and pivotal step. The aspiring shape changer must consume the entire creature, leaving nothing behind. This includes flesh, bone, and even the creature's innards. It's a task that demands both physical endurance and a certain mental detachment, given the grotesque nature of the act.

Many try cheating their way out of this, accidentally dropping a few hairs, spilling a few drops of blood. But sorcery can read intentions. Those that willfully attempt to cheat the ritual will inevitably fail, while those that accidentally leave a part of the creature behind, may still succeed.

Ritualistic elements
In many tales, the act of consumption isn't merely physical but also involves a ritualistic component. This might include specific chants, the arrangement of a sacred space, or the performance of certain gestures that are believed to invoke the magical forces necessary for transformation. The sad truth is that chants and gestures are likely wails and writhings of pain and discomfort.

Transformation process
After the creature is fully consumed, the transformation begins immediately. This is a painful, convulsive process where the shape changer's body contorts and reshapes itself. Bones might crack and reform, skin stretches and molds into new forms, and the shape changer's human visage gives way to the creature's features.

Mental and emotional struggle
The transformation isn't just physical. The shape changer must also grapple with the mental and emotional toll of taking on a new form, which includes the instincts, desires, and potentially memories of the creature consumed.

Once the transformation is complete, the shape changer fully embodies the creature they consumed. They retain their human consciousness but are now cloaked in a completely different form. The ability to switch back to their human form varies by tale, with some depictions allowing fluid transformation while others depict it as a permanent or long-lasting change, lasting until another creature is consumed.

The truth of it is that they are able to turn back at will, undergoing the same painful transformation in reverse. Though the longer they stay in their new shape, the harder it is to turn back. Some find that they are more comfortable in their new skin, preferring life as rat and wolf over the experience of human condition.

Cover image: by Midjourney


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