Runeic Language in Frale Tides - Time of the Blue | World Anvil


The Ancient Runeic of Ardusan is most common of the lost languages of the Origin World that is still found on artifacts and old ruins today.   Runeic shares the most characters to modern Lager, and is believed to be the larger if not the largest language from Origin.   Studies from both DEPART and Sight's Rise indicate that the continent of Ardus is what most of band is made up of, and because of it there is no real scientifically way to see how prevalent Ardus and the language of Runeic was because the rest of Origin in destroyed and under the sea.  
"Miretel is perhaps the least popular name in my family. That's one thing I think I can be grateful for... It's still weird knowing kids are named after me when I've never publicly done anything..."
-Miretel Halider
The popularity of Runeic names has grown with the popularity of naming children after the members of Legacy.
Sewing the characters onto clothing, whether nonsensical or not, is a popular trend for fashion as well.   There have proven to be two different languages that fit under Runeic, the one modern language is based after, and the second, referred to as UnRuneic, is used as the same characters, but makes not logical sense, or even common words.
"Language used in the Origin continent of Ardus. While the characters and symbols used may be familiar, scientists are constantly finding new evidence of how different it would have sounded to our current language." -Excerpt from The Origin World: What We Know
Sight's Rise has been known to attempt to decipher and read the origin texts, as it contains the most information from One Blind Eye who they worship as a fallen god.   It's been rumored they have found texts that have information on how to speak and listen to the origin god, and are feverishly studying to learn and understand the language. They claim that DEPART has the ability to understand the texts, but refuse to acknowledge this or let the public know to keep the secrets of Origin to themselves.


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