Platinum Order Organization in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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Platinum Order

The elite disciples of Bahamut trained equally in the ways of faith and fortitude. They are set apart as their own company within the Talons of Justice and serve as a special force for pushing back against the monster threats of the Nether Mountains and for in preparation for any greater threat.  

The Platinum Oath

  Before the Platinum Dragon, those whom I shall serve alongside, and the legacy of those who have awoken into His radiant light already, I devote my mind, my will, my strength to the Platinum Order.   I pledge my life to the protection and service of Avraathe, may she stand tall in the ever-reflective glow of Bahamut as a beacon and example of the God of Dragon's goodness.   I will uphold the beliefs to which we are guided. I will defend the mercy to which we are called. I will enact the justice to which we are held.   Platinum Dragon guide us all.


The Platinum Order follows a rigid structure, consisting of a single general, a colonel, a battalion leader, three captains, and sixty soldiers.

Public Agenda

"To serve and protect Avraathe from dangers within and without, upholding the righteous judgment of the Temple on behalf of Xymor."


The Platinum Order maintains its own wing with the Talons Barracks. They also contract two of the finest blacksmiths in the city on retainer exclusively for maintaining the armories.


Founded after the initial swelling growth of Avraathe, The Platinum Order originally existed to protect the mines and the budding city around them. With the numerous threats of monsters from the surrounding mountains, elite warriors quickly set themselves apart. As the religious fervor grew in stride with the city, the Platinum Order went through several evolutions of city guards, policing officers, and when necessary the frontlines of major battles against external threats. Overtime, the stability of the city settled in and the elite Platinum Order eventually arrived at the current iteration in which they serve as the first defense from external threats as well as a number of roles in various religious rituals and pageantry.

"The Shield of Justice"

Founding Date
Military, Knightly Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization
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